61 A Battle That Molds The Future

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"What is that all you got?" I said to him as I walked on the liquid rock closer to him, the barrier extended bellow us in a circle so it wouldn't melt the whole arena.

"I thought you said you were tough? So let's go even higher like how about the same temp of the universe when Chaos created it with the big bang." I said as I only release the heat for a mere second. In that instant the ground around me turned to a vapor and even the atoms themselves spit into smaller substances called quark.

But in that instant I cut the heat as the dude floated in a shield I put around him in that second.

"You see I am Percy Jackson son of Chaos I control the universe at my whim. So when I say stop I mean stop, next time I see you do something like that I will put you at the same fate of this matter around me." I said motioning to the emptiness I floated in.

"Got that." I said as he nodded s I rewound time to the arenas perfect condition. I then deposited the trash onto the ground were proper authorities apprehended him.

"Good now let's restart this finals without that trash in our arena." I shouted to the crowd as they all went ballistic in cheers I guess.

"Now that is what I call a show." I said as I jumped out right to the seven and a waiting couple.




I sat at a council table as Athena went over everything with every god, and I mean every god, Nordic, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, etc. They were separated by powers at this point like fire, death, sky, lighting, and others. The main goal of this was to help me as much as possible while, that included in all aspects.

"Percy where do you wish to set up the defensive line of fire gods." She said as I thought about it.

"Well I only have to use their power once so somewhere close, but only for a moment. But they will get the message when I need them there." I said as she nodded marking down the plan as we went along.

"Wait how will we get to him in time if he does need our help elsewhere?" Asked on of the Egyptians.

"I have that in order." I said as I snapped my fingers, as I did a small device appeared in everyone's hands.

"This will let you teleport to my position if I give you the message, don't worry you won't pop up right next to me just about a mile away from me." I said as they all nodded and put away the device.

"But what if we run out of juice?" Said another.

"Then you will automatically be transported to Iris and the other gods and goddesses that can provide a picture of the battle. Since her powers don't take up much energy you all can regain power while helping provide some to her and the others as well." I said as they all agreed.

"The video will be plaid to all of the people of the world. As it does play to them they will pray for us and thus give us all power. That is why I am broadcasting my fight." I said as I answered the unasked question.

"But Percy what about the gods who don't have war or battle type abilities?" Asked Hera this time as I agreed with her.

"They will help provide energy to the resting war type gods." I said.

"Athena I think you can take if from here I need some alone time to think okay." I said as she nodded and started to give off battle strategies to the gods who would be providing me cover fire and other things.

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