22 Girls Can't Help It & Capture The Flag

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"Milady why are we leaving?" Zoë asked, leaving me standing by my own which I managed pretty well. I noticed Bianca in a silver outfit beside her smiling at me and waving her hand I just smiled back at her earning a blush.

"You girls have to go to camp half-blood this got more serious than it should have been, plus I got a call from Olympus saying I am need to go on a solo hunt soon. So I am having you go to Camp half-blood for the time being while I am gone." All of the girls groaned but some just smiled like the devil evil thoughts going through their minds.

"Wait Milady how are we going to get to camp half-blood?" Zoë asked.

"My stupid younger brother, Apollo."



As we waited for the camp to be put up I sat beside Nico and Nick who seemed to still be working things out, from what I heard Annabeth was taken by Thorn. Nico still had yet to learn that his sister had joined the hunters and I had been voted to break the news to him. As I came over I saw Nico and Nick playing and looking at some card things, as I looked closer the cards said mythomagic on them.

"Hey guys how you doing." I said as I sat down to the right of Nico.

"Been better that is for sure, but they have Annabeth I don't know what to do." Said Nick looking down at the cards.

"I'm sorry Nick but don't worry we will get her back, once you guys get back to camp that is." I finished.

"What do you mean you guys aren't you coming with us?" Asked Nick.

"Yeah but I was only assigned to help pickup Nico and Bianca. Once they are in the safety of camp my job is done, after that I have to do what I was doing before rescuing demigods." I Finished picking up a card of Zeus and looking at it.

"Were is Bianca anyways, is she with Thalia?" Asked Nico, I just sighed here it comes.

"Nick can you leave I need to talk to Nico in private." My tone left no room for argument, Nick just nodded and got up and left back to camp.

"What is the big deal did something happen?" Nico asked in a worried tone.

"Nico do you know what the hunters are?" I asked he just raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah don't they hunt monsters and stuff, there a bunch of man haters too aren't they." He said to me.

"Yeah they are but Nico... Bianca joined the hunters; she will travel with them like a family. They will protect her like you would, she will become immortal and live with them the rest of her life." I finished, he just sat stunned at what I said.

"Does that mean she left me for them?" He asked in a worried tone.

"No she didn't leave you should would never do that to you, you are her younger brother she would never do anything to harm you. She did this for herself you need to realize that she may have been making choices to protect you, she has her own path let her take it." I said putting my hand on his shoulder and looking him in the eyes.

"But... she is my sister wont I see her ever again?" He asked trying to figure it out.

"Oh of course Nico, you can even Iris message her if you want. Just remember she has her own free will this was her choice and you can't convince her otherwise." I said standing up and patting him on the shoulder.

"Just think of what is best for her and let it stew for a while, remember even if you are a thousand miles away from one another you two will always love each other." I said walking back to camp that was almost put away, that is where I found Bianca sitting on a log watching the camp be taken down.

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