37 Training, Old Lovers, & Hera Is Missing

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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson


"Just Mr. M okay that is okay." He said to me as I nodded.

"What is first Mr. M?" I asked looking at him.

"First is physical stature, you will become so strong you will be able to run in this water like you run on land. After that we will train your endurance you will sleep in one of the superheated vents every night. During this you will carry extra weight as your train every day, after this dense water become nothing to you then we will start on your powers." He said as I nodded and started to run around the two foot balls field area, wanting to start knows. I was a lot harder than I thought as I slow jogged through the malicious like water.

"Good know I want you to do fifty laps by dinner okay which is when I get back in three hours." Mr. M said as I swam off to do something.

"This is going to be a long six months." I thought to myself as I pushed myself just to jog through the water.

NOW: (three months later)

"497, 498, 499, and 500." I stood up after my five hundred pushup with a little over 100 tons of condensed rocks on my back. I had been training strictly on strength for the past three months as I took off the straps holding the rocks on my back. I rolled my shoulders letting them rest as I stretched my back from my position I held for the past hour.

The first day I had only been able to do twenty laps before I collapse in exhaustion, because I did Mr. M chased me the rest of the way which was scarier than shit. But after the first week I could do it with a little trouble, I slept in a massive superheated vent every night which toughened my skin as I slept. I practiced with my weapons each day for four hours, the water pressure made it much harder to fight than before but know I can move just as fast as I did on land.

I managed to control the basis of my true form during this time as well; it's just when my emotions got the better of me I transformed. My body stature became more defined muscles and I swear I have no fat anymore as my muscles took over my body but I still was slim with my swimmers body. I could know run hundreds of laps around the area like on lad I would sprint every day for hours, so long sometime I would fall asleep running and wake up still running.

The water was like air know and the increased gravity this far down felt like nothing as I started on my sword practice with Soul Reaper. I could swing the flat of the blade through the water with ease as I slice through water people I would summon but Mr. M would control them as I fought them.

I would send letters every week after I found out I couldn't IM down this far so I just give Mr. M my letters to the girls every week he goes to feed. He takes them to Poseidon's palace and they get mailed by Hermes to them, it takes about two weeks for their letter to reach me but I read each one with a pleasure as I rest during training. Apparently something is stirring down in the earth that I can feel in the trench it can feel Gaia and Abyss getting close every day as the earth rumbles as she awakes her other part.

Nick apparently went missing some time I went to training but they still search for him every day, Artemis and her hunters are find more monsters to hunt every day. Shay travels with them since I enabled her to as she is connected to the earth instead of a tree. Hestia loves sitting on her throne every day, apparently since she joined there are very few disagreements anymore between the others. Hades visits every meeting know telling them his status on ideas, Nico is a little quiet as he the prince of the underworld in charge of many things.

Bianca stays at camp helping out new comers every day they come, she visit Nico every night as she finally got her hands on shadow traveling. But apparently after our little orgy that we had the day before we left I had received Eros's domain and have purple feathered wings that I like to look at. I also take out my wings every day and run with them as parachute effect with them. But I can run with three pairs out with ease, but the gem in my arm had changed a lot also.

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