Chapter 114

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"Wow! I totally wanted to meet you all!" a young man said with excitement on seeing all the heroes. "You're all so cool!"

"Thanks," Kamikaze nodded and minded Tacki in his lap.

"Sure," King chuckled. Kianna smiled softly and leaned into his chest.

"Eh..." Saitama sighed, but he gave a small nod. Mitsumi gave a beaming smile and scratched Overgrown Rover's belly when it rolled onto its back to get the tummy rubs better.

"Is that a monster?!" another recruit asked while pointing at the six-eyed monster dog. Mitsumi chuckled and cuddled it.

"It is! And it's such a cute puppy!" she giggled and got it to growl playfully in response. "Isn't that right? That's right! You're a cute puppy! Yes, you are!"

It growled, whined and rolled its tongue out at each response in such a way that even Saitama found himself laughing softly at it. Then he looked at the group of recruits with a blank gaze while saying, "Yeah. It's my dog. Mitsumi's my wife, and it likes her. As to why it's my dog, I punched it once and it decided to be with me. Smart decision, eh? And don't think of trying to attack it. It's dragon rank and would use you as a chew toy."

"That tiny thing?!" a third recruit scoffed. Wind Crane warbled a warning, but Saitama only sighed and looked at Overgrown Rover.

"Show them. Don't attack," he said.

"This may be happening quite a bit," Zenchu snorted.

"Yep," Garou agreed. The monster dog jumped down and stared at the group before growing in size. Then it tripled that size. It didn't get to full size and stature, but it did open its mouth to yawn and expose the massive fangs before snapping its jaws shut. It looked at Saitama with a small whine.

"You did good, doggy! Okay. Back to Mitsumi," Saitama said. Then he grimaced at the massive lick to his face done before it shrunk small to get his friends and family laughing. "If you do that every time..."

"So cute!" Mitsumi laughed and picked up the now tiny monster dog to snuggle it close. Tacki handed over a small towel for him to wipe off his face with. Tanktop Master was still chuckling over it.

"Lady Mitsumi, I was just informed by Genos to go to your mansion home. A room needs to be destroyed?" Tsuruga asked on rising up to stand at his full height. Tanktop Girl was lifted to settle on his shoulders now and ready to help. The group of recruits gaped at the minotaur monster before being escorted away.

"Yes. Daiki can tell you which one. It's a possible torture chamber," Mitsumi said with a shake of her head. Tsuruga growled at that and nodded.

"Have Richoo with you. If it's really bad, tell Inichi," Saitama said.

"How can you remember their names and not mine?" Sweet Mask asked.

"Because they're my family and didn't attack me," Saitama said bluntly to get Mitsumi coughing with laughter. Sweet Mask went quiet and cleared his throat at that. Overgrown Rover turned to gaze all six eyes on Sweet Mask to show it now heard that its owner was attacked.

"It's fine now," Mitsumi whispered and scratched its belly. It looked at her and grunted before rolling off of her and Saitama. It trotted over to Sweet Mask and tilted its head as though silently judging him. Then it trotted back over to jump onto its owners again and recline. A moment later, Sweet Mask coughed at the stench that filled the air, and Zenchu was dying with laughter with the others.

"What the hell was that?!" Sweet Mask gasped and had to move quickly to another part of the roof. Tajima was moved with him out of the vicinity of the offending smell. The board members soon had to move from being around Sweet Mask's vicinity. Tanktop Master was even trying his best to endure it, but he ended up moving to another area quickly.

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