Chapter 110

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"We must be on our best behavior," Genus said as they entered City Z.

"Agreed, Dr. Genus," Armored Gorilla nodded.

"Master Orotsu is a culinary genius! We tripled our clientele within a few days! And with the heroes coming to visit us...such a relief to see income again," Genus said with a sigh. "I have to wonder what we'll be taught next."

"Um...excuse me..." the voice of a young boy was said behind them. They both paused and turned to see the speaker. The slightly fat boy with fish-like lips looked at them and scratched at his black, bowl-cut hair lightly. He even had a touch of a bald spot, and he looked at them with his unibrow gaze. "Um...I'm looking for someone. I heard...maybe...that he was here. Can me find him? I mean..."

"Well...that depends on who he is. And what he looks like," Genus said and adjusted his square glasses. The boy shuffled in his white shirt and shorts. The shirt had large letters of 'BG' on it, but it didn't seem unusual.

"Um...he has white hair. Yellow eyes, I think. He's tall. He's a fighter. But..." the boy frowned. "I heard he might be around here."

"I wouldn't know anyone with that description," Genus said.

"You should go home. It's not safe here," Armored Gorilla said.

"Please?!" the boy begged. "I just wanna find him! I mean...I don't have money to pay you...but...I gotta find him!"

"Kid...look..." Genus sighed and shook his head. "Okay. Walk with us. We're going to meet with some people. Maybe they can help you."

"Thank you!" the boy said and smiled with hopeful delight.

"So...what's your name?" Armored Gorilla asked.

"I'm Tareo," he said.

"Very good. I'm Genus. This is my assistant, Armored Gorilla. We are meeting with a very distinguished chef. As well as a respected group of people," Genus explained and continued his walk with them. When they got closer to the main complex, Sonic darted down to approach them.

"You're both expected. The kid is not," Sonic muttered.

"He's looking for someone. We were hoping you could help," Genus said.

"Hmm," Sonic frowned and blinked when Inichi appeared in his hovering way. Tareo cringed at the sight of him, but Inichi sent a wave of calm to show that everything was going to be fine.

"He's looking for Garou," Inichi chuckled. "He is definitely with us now. Sonic, all is well. Thank you for your due diligence. The three can pass."

"Oh. Okay," Sonic nodded and darted off.

"Allow me to bring you in the rest of the way," Inichi offered and bubbled the three of them. He floated the bubble after him to carry them directly onto the grounds before releasing them all. "Garou! You have a visitor!"

"Huh?" Garou blinked and saw the young boy. "Oh. It's you."

"Uncle!" Tareo said and ran over to him. "I looked all over for you!"

"Ah...I'm not your uncle..." Garou said and glanced at Lily's curious gaze. "I know him. Kinda. We shared a hero book. Talked now and then."

"He helped me! He also stood up for me around my friends..." Tareo said.

"Kid, they aren't friends if that happens. You got bullies for friends," Kamikaze snorted and watched Tacki set up another blanket. "I'd suggest for you to get some new friends."

"Whoa! Atomic Samurai!" Tareo gaped. When he looked around, he recognized all of the intensely powerful heroes around him. He was in shock.

"I think I know you," Saitama said on looking over. "You almost got hit by a car. With your dog. I hope you look both ways before crossing the street now."

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