Chapter 70

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They ended up sleeping through the whole hour. Zenchu refused to let anyone wake them up, and even Fumio was quiet with his studying. It was when Mitsumi began to move that Saitama yawned and opened his eyes with her.

"Did I really fall asleep?" she asked.

"I did, too," he sighed and stretched. "I think we need to head home and sleep more. We can watch a show, too."

"I'd like that," she nodded and watched him pull the curtains back. He pressed a loving kiss to her mouth and glanced at Fumio.

"Did you want to come home? Or stay here?" Saitama asked.

"I can go home," Fumio nodded and yawned.

"Looks like naps all around are in order," Mitsumi chuckled. Saitama rose up with her in his arms and noticed that Zombieman and Himiko were still talking. She even giggled softly when he smiled at her. Saitama seemed to nod at that and moved to head out with Fumio following behind them.

"Heading home?" Zenchu asked and moved to join them.

"Yeah. Inichi? We need a lift, please," Saitama said and carried Mitsumi out of the restaurant. He noticed markers for the entrance to be extended out, and he smiled lightly to himself. Inichi was quick to send the four of them back to the apartment complex swiftly and help tend to the restaurant.

"Should we change?" Mitsumi asked.

"Eh...later. I do need the bathroom, though," Saitama said and was quick to carry Mitsumi to the bedroom. Five minutes later had them both reclining on their couch. Zenchu was in the kitchen to prepare some light snacks, and Fumio had retired to his bedroom for now to nap.

"I like this," Mitsumi said and yawned softly while tracing a finger up his chest. He smiled and kept an arm around her. His other arm was flicking through the channels until he started to get drowsy. Mitsumi was already asleep against his side with her head nestled against his neck. He flipped the channel to cartoons and closed his eyes to sleep for a bit.

Ten minutes went by when his eyes popped open from the sudden jolt from Inichi's mental message. :Mr. Saitama! Wake up! Now! Go to the news channel!:

"Gah!" Saitama shrieked and unintentionally woke up Mitsumi.

"Darling?" she frowned.

"Ugh...Inichi said news channel. Now," he grimaced and found the remote to flick to the right channel. Now he saw that City J was under attack by a monster. "Hmm...why does that area look familiar...and that house...?"

"Aren't your parents in that city?" Mitsumi asked. Now he paused with shock and grimaced at why it all looked familiar.

"Ah...craaaap..." Saitama grimaced and found his phone. "Brace yourself."

"For what?" she frowned and saw him call his father.

"Dad!" Saitama said and put him on speaker. Zenchu was now standing with them to listen to everything.

"Son? Is something wrong? Do you need more money?" his father asked.

"The money's fine. Listen to me. Dad...look outside your window..." Saitama said carefully. A hard sigh was given.

"Oh, we know. Heroes will be here soon," his father chuckled.

"Dad! It's outside your house! Get Mom out of there! Now!" Saitama ordered.

"Come on, son. It's not that bad. When do you plan to come over?" he asked. Then a large crash was heard over the call. "Oh. Ah...I guess you're right. My roof is...gone now..."

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