Chapter 158

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They got into the main room of the Wind Crane Clan sanctuary easily. Stable Rock looked around and noticed the wall sconces burst into flame with Fire Flight's thought. Siren was quick to check around and ensure everything was secure. The main training doors were opened, and Siren flew to the back of the room to avoid the floor. She gestured for them that it was safe to walk into.

"Is it ready for me?" Mitsumi asked.

"Yep! So, you could stand there while we all come over here. We fixed the lighting, too," Siren chuckled. "Oh, Inichi, tell Imai that we're here so she won't be surprised. That's if she comes over."

"I shall," Inichi nodded and focused to do just that. "She's fine with it. She and her husband have been repairing the rooftops and other areas with the wealth we gave her. They are grateful for the aid."

"If they need more, they just need to ask. She is my clan sister. She is family," Mitsumi nodded with a warm smile.

"We need to make a training room where I can move with you," Saitama said and watched the others move towards Siren. "I think that will be needed."

"I'm sure we can make one," she nodded and got pulled close to get kissed passionately. She knew he clearly didn't want to leave her behind. "You know, this is a basic training. Not advanced. You said you can hear the traps?"

"I can," he nodded.

"Okay. We'll take a chance and try this. Walk along with me, but dodge the traps. Don't get in their way. The arrows must get into the ending points they need on landing to unlock the secret. Let me be the one to step on any tiles if they appear," she instructed lightly. "You can see the floor?"

"Yes," he said with a curt nod. Then he pulled her close to whisper, "You are an absolute turn on like this!"

"Later!" she blushed hard and squeaked at his warm squeeze.

"Ready?" Siren asked on where she stood with the others. Sweet Mask was quite curious on all of this, and Inichi was keeping a close eye on his thoughts.

"Go for it! Saitama plans to do this with me to see if it works!" Mitsumi grinned. Cold Snap cheered for them, and Siren set the lever for basic training. The moment all of the traps reset and the first panel shifted down from where Mitsumi and Saitama were standing showed the room was ready. They stepped off the tile and started to calmly walk. Saitama did pull her back on remembering the first arrow that triggered when the door opened before. That was now easily dodged and they kept going.

She leapt over to step on a tile and lightly dodged a bolt. He was quick to sidestep a bear trap that came up. Their movements were completely choreographed without even knowing from how often they worked together. He twirled her around him to easily dodge a few bolts, stepped over a false tile and pulled her to him to dodge another trap.

Blue Ripple was sending everything he saw to Wind Crane. She was shocked and immensely pleased with this. She knew that this proved that Saitama was, indeed, a full clan member. Sweet Mask was watching everything with a form of intense jealousy building up. He saw this as a very intricate dance of such complex detail that he had no idea how it could even exist.

:You have Tajima now! Stop it!: Inichi scowled at him.

:I know I do! I just...I mean...: Sweet Mask grimaced inwardly.

:If Mr. Saitama realizes that you still have feelings for Lady Mitsumi, his slap will turn into a direct punch to your face! You'll wish you wrote a script for me! You must curb the thoughts!: Inichi growled out.

:I know. It's difficult. I know I love Tajima. I love her dearly. She knows me in so many ways now. And with Fan Dancer...well...I know it's intense infatuation. As well as admiration. I've seen her struggles like everyone else. And I know I wouldn't have accepted her right away, too, from her alliance with monsters. Her reason to reject me is sound. And then her father! He made it clear to have nothing to do with her! But that was when her mother was alive...:

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