Chapter 23

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When Inichi dropped them off, they found Rendor outside a small structure. It was temporary housing for Shenjou. The snake monster was much larger than Zenchu was and towered at twenty feet in the air. There was no possible way that apartment entry could have been done. Mitsumi had to see to the situation first.  King and Kianna, however, made their way inside the apartment to rest.

"This is no good. This shelter is ready to fall apart," she frowned.

"I know. It was made in short notice," Rendor nodded. "Child Emperor is still working on setting up tests. He was almost done, but then Shenjou appeared for me to work with. His body is too large for our apartment."

"Saitama, do you think you can help build a small home? Even if it's a dome right now?" Mitsumi asked.

"Hmm. Okay. Zenchu, hold her for a moment," Saitama sighed. "I'm sorry if your home might look crappy, but it will be something."

"Don't worry. I've lived in worse during some nights," Shenjou nodded.

"Do you need to eat something?" Mitsumi asked.

"I...would appreciate it. It's hard for me to find decent nourishment. With my size, well..." Shenjou shrugged his blue scaled shoulders.

"What all do you eat?" Rendor asked and watched Saitama start pulling apart buildings to shift them around.

"I prefer straight meat, but I can apparently eat...anything. My venom melts things down into something digestible. It's...very strange," Shenjou admitted.

"So, you could eat everything around you?" Zenchu mused.

"Pretty much," Shenjou chuckled.

"So, do you remember anything about what happened before you became a monster?" Mitsumi asked. She watched Saitama pull pieces of steel together to start forming a crude roof over the ready-made structure. She winced at a sharp squeal of metal grinding on metal.

"Sorry!" he shouted down from where he was and continued to work.

"When it comes to's hazy right now," Shenjou admitted. "But...I recall something with reptiles. I was a handler of sorts. I think. I have been like this for a few months."

"The memories will return in time. You just need rest," Inichi advised. "They can return in the next hour or the next week. Just know that you are free of the need to attack mindlessly."

"It is a relief," Shenjou said. Then he saw Saitama struggling to fix something together. "Can I try something?"

"Huh? Oh. Sure," Saitama nodded. Shenjou reared up and opened his jaws wide to expose the massive fangs. He lightly bit down to let the venom seep out. It was just enough to melt the steel down into place. "That's pretty handy! I don't know if I should touch it, though. Then again, nothing really happens to me. I'll take off the gloves. I don't want them damaged."

"What?" Shenjou asked with surprise. He was speechless when he saw how Saitama simply used his bare hands and wasn't even damaged by the venom.

"Be glad you woke up," Zenchu chuckled. "He is known to punch enemies out and kill them in one hit. He even tore down over half of the buildings here alone. And, eh...he did just push steel together..."

"I...think I can believe well as see it," Shenjou nodded now.

"Give me more," Saitama said and exposed his hand into a cup. Shenjou opened his mouth again to let a drop of venom fall into his palm. Saitama simply rubbed it into the steel and was able to smooth other areas into place.

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