Chapter 135

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"Hot springs spa day!" Mitsumi rang out as she walked out of the bedroom with Saitama. They were both dressed back in their hero costumes and eager to get there. On getting to the kitchen, she beamed at the sight of many of her family and friends already sitting around to show they were ready to leave. Then she noticed that Tsuruga was not happy. "Tsuruga? Are you okay?"

"I'm mad!" he growled.

"Why?" Saitama asked with a blank stare.

"He really wanted to get into your dream to help you. He was left out," Tanktop Girl sighed and scratched between his horns.

"Awww. Well, don't worry. You can stand in the hallway of the hot springs leading to the girls' location. Then you can charge into anyone trying to sneak in. Will that work?" Mitsumi winked.

"Hmm. Hmm! Okay," Tsuruga nodded.

"But if it's me, let me through," Saitama said.

"I will know you only plan to appear for her," Tsuruga agreed. "I will give way only for you. Unless the situation is understood."

"Good," Saitama nodded back. Then he looked at his monster dog. "Doggy, you need to stay with her at all times when we get there. Even if I'm with her for precaution. Okay?"

It huffed and whined with rapt attention to show he was heard. Blue Ripple snorted from his tub with agreement. Stable Rock yawned from where he lumbered behind Saitama with a sensation of contentment. Bright Bolt was on high alert, and he looked over when Inichi walked in with Fubuki to wave at everyone in his new human form.

"Inichi?!" Mitsumi gasped with complete delight and found herself moving to hug him. Saitama chuckled softly and nodded at this. Fubuki even found herself laughing at the surprised joy that Mitsumi gave out.

"Lady Mitsumi!" Inichi laughed and hugged her back. He was wearing a lightly opened button down shirt of white coloring with black slacks for now.

"You look amazing! Of course, I don't mind what form you become, but this is such a delight!" Mitsumi beamed and got a brotherly kiss placed on the top of her head.

"I will change back and forth as I need to for various situations. I seem to cover myself in a blue haze while shifting, too. I won't need to worry about anything being revealed," he chuckled. "Of course, my clothing does not shift with me. I'll keep a small satchel nearby to hold such things. Fubuki offered to help with that."

"That's good," she smiled. Then she sighed and pressed her face into his dark blue chest to hide her look of worry. :Inichi, I need you to keep a very close eye on my thoughts today...:

:Lady Mitsumi? What is amiss?: he frowned mentally.

:I don't want to speak out loud. But...I am starting to feel the same internal fiery burn that Saitama had from before. This comes to me if I am without Saitama's touch after a time. You witnessed this...:

:What?!: he paused with shock.

:You were quite correct to assume that I needed his touch directly on me. His internal power will stabilize what is within me. But I need to see how long I can be without him for. I must know how long of a leeway I have until it becomes critical. This way you can be on high alert to get him to my side quickly. It's also why I want to bathe away from him for a short while. I don't know how long I will last without him. And I don't know how I will be.:

:Lady Mitsumi! I cannot allow this to happen! Your growing child...!:

:I know. But we must know so we can see the repercussions and judge how severe they can be. I know I will be with intense discomfort...but...: she mentally grimaced. Inichi let out a slow breath and nodded.

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