Chapter 12

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It was nearing midnight when Inichi set them down in a lightly forested area. There was a bit of a hill here to give a better view of the landscape. The moon was starting to show, and Mitsumi took in a deep breath while looking at the landscape before them. She actually looked a bit troubled.

"What's going on?" Saitama asked. She leaned into him for comfort, and he simply squeezed her to let her know he was listening.

"I was born in this city," she said softly. "Ajito was one of the main ones to go to for city structures and scientific research. Everyone knew that I was with him for some time. I fear that I may be sought after once his death is made known. I don't want anyone compromised."

"You have me and Genos as witnesses," Fubuki nodded. "I'd have my faction with me, but..."

"No. We don't need any more super powered monkeys with us," Saitama said with boredom. Fubuki actually coughed back a small laugh at that.

"Master, I would like to broadcast this to the Hero Association using the feed from the surveillance system at the restaurant. I am able to turn myself into another camera this way. Is this fine?" Genos asked.

"Um...I guess?" Saitama shrugged.

"Good. They will get audio, too. Once we find the monster, I shall start," Genos nodded. Fubuki blinked at this and mused.

"This could be useful, actually!" she said. "It can help prove our innocence if anything is said."

"Exactly," Genos nodded.

"Just be careful," Mitsumi frowned. "People are known to take video clips and alter them as they like."

"True. I shall have it encrypted while it is being sent. That is not very difficult to do. I will work on it," Genos agreed. An inhuman scream rang out in the distance, and Genos flashed his eyes. "A large figure is approaching fast! Recording is on!"

"Here we go," Zenchu grinned darkly. "Ajito! We're here! Lady Mitsumi is here, too! The same one you tortured for two whole years with that snake! We told you we'd come! So...come and meet us! Or are you too scared?"

A dark laugh filtered around them before the transformed human appeared. He now had jet black skin, spikes all over his body and blood red eyes that smoldered with hate. Clawed feet and hands raked the ground as he ran at them now. He didn't have a tail, but his mouth had a sadistic smile with sharp teeth filling it. His black hair had fallen out, but a set of massive horns that curved backwards sat on his brow to replace that. A set of tattered khaki pants were all that remained on him as a form of clothing while he lumbered at them now with his over-muscled body.

"Ajito. Idiot," Mitsumi sniffed. At the sight of her, he only howled with rage and charged at her. Then he found himself rolling away sideways down the small hill in the grass and dirt from Saitama's slap that he gave to the side of his cheek. Inichi was now a touch relieved that the hill gave enough of a rolling distance away from the important female he was helping to protect.

"No touching!" Saitama scolded and squeezed Mitsumi close to his side.

"He's mine!" Zenchu snarled out. "I know some of my attacks will be seen...but I don't care!"

"Mitsumi..." Ajito seethed out in a deep, hissing tone and started snarling out in defense from Zenchu's attack. He was using the shadows to phase in and out with random slashes to the monster's body. Fubuki was beside herself with shock at how strong Zenchu really was now. Genos was homing in on the full fight now to show everything. He knew several high class members of the Hero Association were already watching. The news would quickly spread for others to view the fight going on.

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