Chapter 56

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They landed along a street corner that was lit up by elegant lights. It appeared to be a definite wealthy establishment from how far the houses were spaced apart. As well as how each house resembled a small mansion. Saitama was not impressed and was ready to find out who was holding the last fan set.

"Where do we start looking?" he asked.

"Just around the corner. However, hmm. Zenchu, scout for us? If we can get this done without even approaching then it may be best," Inichi said.

"Then why are we even here?" Tanktop Master asked.

"In case something goes wrong," Zenchu said. "Give me a minute or two."

"We can wait," Genos nodded.

"Hold on..." Mitsumi grimaced. She found all of the fans on her alert and floating around her. "They want to try and call to the trapped set. To see if the fans will come to us directly."

"That would be...can they?" Fubuki asked.

"We're gonna find out," Saitama said when the blades flicked out to vibrate. There was the sound of glass breaking, an alarm going off and a whistling sound when the trapped fan set finally appeared hovering in front of them. They gently settled in Mitsumi's hands for inspection.

"They appear...complete. They truly were kept as an intense collectible," she sighed and hugged them before letting them float up and join with the seventh set. This allowed her to just use the mildly damaged set as her crescent fans to guide the rest in full. Now the group looked over to see a man in pajamas and wearing a long, dark red bathrobe running over to them.

"Unhand that!" the man shouted at them. His dark brown hair was mussed up from sleep, and he had a mildly groomed beard to show sophistication. Then he gaped to see the other fans floating around Mitsumi in the form of eight full circles. They all separated out into their three counterparts and flicked the blades out. "They...can do that...?!"

"Yes. I am a Wind Crane Clan assassin. The fans are being called back together. I was hoping to purchase your fan set from you. But I was informed that it may not have been able to be done. The fans must come together now at long last. I am sorry that you will be losing a collectible, but these are mine by right," she said calmly. "I am Fan Dancer. S class and rank 4 in the Hero Association."

"! They were passed down to me for safe-keeping!" he argued.

"By who?" she asked. He went to speak, but he scowled.

"It is not your concern! I need them back!" he retorted.

"Would you's a job well done to keep them hidden?" Mitsumi now asked with an edge to her tone. That got the man to become dead-white. She knows! She knows what I am!

"Hmm..." Inichi mused and hovered over her protectively. "You were holding these fans to keep them from being used. You truly are one of the Secret Skins. You hid yourself well."

"What?! You have no proof!" the man hissed defensively now. At this, the other heroes readied to attack. Mitsumi was swift to dart around the man with her fans skillfully flitting and striking with accurate precision to cut through cloth. And skin. When she got back to Saitama's side, he snapped his fingers for all of it to come away like confetti like all the others.

"Holy...!" Tanktop Master gaped at the newly revealed monster. It was almost the same look of a giant squid, but it had a fanged mouth under the tentacles. Blaring red, giant eyes looked at them all, and greenish-pink tentacles held it upright when it grew out from its freed skin. It towered nearly as tall as the elegant home, and it was completely bewildered that it was discovered.

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