Chapter 28

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As they rounded the corner, people were already fleeing the scene. Buildings were damaged quite badly, and Mitsumi could only gasp at what was being done. "We need to look for survivors!"

"I shall assist!" Inichi nodded. Zenchu nodded to Saitama and ran off to merge with the shadows to search even faster. Rendor was about to head off, but Tatsumaki pat him on the head for attention. Then she simply lifted up the rubble with a light thought to move it elsewhere. Inichi and Fubuki were now able to pick through various areas and move whoever Zenchu brought over. Genos worked to scan for any heat signatures to point out where others were trapped.

Only after the area was fully cleared out did the monster fully show itself. It resembled a large purple ball with a massive, blood-red eye in the center. A giant mouth filled with teeth was next to be revealed. Small tentacles protruded from it in the form of eyes and other mouths. Four tiny, clawed hands for movement stood it upright to regard them.

"Oh. You were never human," Mitsumi frowned. The monster just blinked at her. The heroes regrouped with the monster family, and Saitama calmly gave Mitsumi over to Zenchu to protect her.

"If you don't kill it, then I'll do it," Tatsumaki sniffed.

"I think he'll kill it," Zenchu smirked.

"We'll see," she stuck out her tongue. Rendor only chuckled and watched Saitama get slammed down on the moment he stood in front of it. Then the monster got ripped in half when he punched straight through it.

"It's dead," Zenchu grimaced. "Very dead."

"Hmm..." Mitsumi mused and Inichi found himself laughing like crazy.

"What?" Saitama asked and pulled her back into his arms. "And whatever Genos sprayed on this costume is amazing! Nothing sticks to it!"

"I wonder if those monster tentacles would be good to serve as food," Mitsumi said. Now the others with her looked at her like she was crazy. "Not for us, of course. I meant for my sister."

"Ah...well...hmm..." Zenchu actually found himself curious.

"She always considered herself a gourmet. I want to know how much so," Mitsumi grinned slightly. "It can be served to her if she doesn't want to answer questions. After a time, she always screamed to have something to eat or nothing would get done."

Inichi now thought to Sweet Mask on the whole thing. Sweet Mask was definitely appalled. But he was also very curious. :Okay. I need to know, too. Can that be harvested? I can always say that we cannot feed her something good if she continues to lie and berate us. It's what she's doing, anyways.:

Zenchu moved up to the dead monster and used his claws to hack off several eye and mouth tentacles. They clearly weren't moving anymore, but Inichi was quick to send them off in a small bubble to let them get cooked in their entire disgusting splendor. Five minutes later Inichi burst into laughter at the response. He regarded them and said, "It appears that your sister is not the gourmet you thought she was. She took one look at it and, ah, vomited."

"Ah. Well maybe she lost some weight," Mitsumi shrugged to get them laughing. "And if it only took a few of those things to make her ill, I wonder what some of the entrails would do..."

"That is gross," Saitama grimaced.

"My family is nothing short of a bunch of monstrosities. Why not feed them what they are?" Mitsumi asked calmly. "Zenchu, do you think you can harvest all of the major organs from that?"

"Lady Mitsumi...really?" Zenchu winced.

"They put me through hell. They should get a taste of it back when they get caught," she said. "In fact, we should just feed them monster parts from this point forward. If it turns them into monsters, then they can get killed off by the heroes."

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