Chapter 30

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The moment Saitama sat down from where Zenchu had him go, he saw Genos checking for the best places to set up lights and to use his own lights. Inichi sent out a message that the dance was going to start shortly and now heroes were quickly finding their seats. When Saitama glanced over, he paused to see the four board members there. What are they doing here?!

:Ah. Sweet Mask brought them to help ensure nothing goes wrong with the heroes around us. That and he figured it would further help ensure that Lady Mitsumi would come to no harm.: Inichi explained. Saitama grumbled at that, but he noticed that the crowd got quiet. Genos was standing on a specialized pole and shining his light down from his palm. Shenjou was able to help with another light from his intense height. Zenchu was darting around with the shadows to ensure nothing was going to come out of hiding while working other lights. Tsuruga was busy pushing various boxes and structures into place as well as playing as a bouncer to keep the peace.

Fumio, Kamiko and Orotsu were setting up instruments. Richoo had optioned to help with lighting and was working to illuminate the path to the main center circle. It was five minutes later that everything was ready. The moon was shining down perfectly on the main circle. Inichi sent out a vibe for silence and started to let the instruments glow to show he was going to be a conductor.

"Amazing..." Sweet Mask chuckled. Fubuki was seated near Inichi in case something tried to interrupt him. Even Rendor and Tatsumaki were helping keep a close watch over things. Child Emperor was helping with video feed now for any hero that wanted to see the event, and Metal Knight was also assisting with the live streams easily.

"Do not let any disturb me, Miss Fubuki," Inichi said softly. "Normally Lady Mitsumi would be suspended by safety strings. I will be keeping her afloat and in the air."

"I understand," Fubuki nodded.

"Let's see what the fuss is about, eh?" Kamikaze mused and kept his arm around Tacki's feathered waist.

"The last time I saw her dance...I was speechless," Tacki said softly. "I never knew such a thing existed."

"She could even use the fans as weapons if they are set right," Kianna said.

"Oh? Maybe that would be something, eh?" Bang said.

"It's starting," Tacki said softly. Inichi brought up a violin to float and start to softly play. A mini piano was now playing with it to draw the audience in. Then Mitsumi gracefully walked forward with Genos's light shining on her to make her rhinestones and jewelry sparkle. The veiled armbands she wore snapped behind her as she walked, and she gently squeezed Saitama's shoulder as she passed him from where he sat off the main path. He watched her move to the center of the designated stage and start to work with the music as it got more dramatic.

A fan flicked out as though it was a blinking eye. Then the other came out right after it. When she bent herself back to twirl, the two fans became four. Then six. Saitama's jaw dropped. The two fans are actually multiple?! Inichi levitated her into the air for her fans to swirl around her with a skillful act of slight-of-hand.

"Oh..." a hero breathed out with fascination. Every turn she did in the air had a fan appear to teasingly cover over her before snapping closed for another to appear in its place. At a high point in the music, all six fans suddenly snapped out for an eye-catching, glittering effect before snapping closed again to repeat the pattern when Inichi placed her form right in front of the full moon. When she did a high spin in levitation, the fans appeared everywhere, yet in a single place. Everything was beautifully coordinated. It was when the fans now arranged themselves to be like a glowing set of butterfly wings behind her while she hovered in the air that Inichi reached out to Saitama.

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