Chapter 73

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Genos arrived with Kamiko after the others showed up to ensure the security was set at Neutral Grounds before they left. Bang had arrived soon after Orotsu did to settle on a couch. Tsuruga sat down by the door with Masaki on the opposite side of it. Suiryu was even present and sat down to rest with relief by an opened window pane from running in.

"What's going on?" King asked from where he sat with Kianna.

"We are having a big family meeting to address some things. Then, after that business is done, we're having an outdoor cookout," Saitama nodded.

"Oh? Let me see what I have," Orotsu chuckled. "Tacki, can you build a spit to go over an open fire?"

"If I have the right stuff, yes!" she beamed.

"No heavy lifting!" Kamikaze grunted at her.

"I can help with that," Fubuki smiled when she walked in. Inichi was easily telling her what the conversation was about. "I'm sure Rendor can politely ask my sister to help, too. So that's fine."

"Help with what?" Tatsumaki frowned on coming in after her.

"I want to build something to help make food over a fire. It might be too heavy for me to lift right," Tacki said.

"That sounds awesome!" Rendor grinned. "I would love outdoor fire cooking! Man...reminds me of the days traveling outside with Lady Mitsumi."

"Oh! Yes!" Kianna gasped with her own form of delight. "Tatsumaki, I know you will enjoy this!"

"Huh. Okay," Tatsumaki nodded. "I can help."

"Try this," Orotsu said and handed over a small sliver of fire-roasted deer meat. "I can make this with Tacki's spit."

"Oh?" Tatsumaki blinked and tried it. "How big do you need this thing?!"

"I told you it's awesome!" Rendor grinned and got kissed by her.

"If we make it large enough, we could create a specialty menu once a month for fire-roasted meat," Orotsu said with a hint of eagerness. "It can easily promote business with various meats of all sorts."

"We can do that!" Mitsumi gasped.

"Yes. We'll do that," Saitama grinned at the idea. "Do we get to taste the dishes first? Maybe?"

"That we can," Orotsu chuckled.

"Inichi?" Fubuki asked when he hovered over him.

"Yes, Fubuki? Ah! I can see about collecting a few deer and other wild game..." Inichi mused. "Even some local beef and Wagyu..."

"You don't call her Miss Fubuki anymore?" King asked.

"Well...on claiming each other as life partners, she informed me it was no longer necessary," Inichi chuckled.

"I gotta be nosey. So, how many hours of sleep did you get when you changed human for your first night, Kianna?" Zenchu asked her.

"Ah...none..." Kianna blushed hard. King just grinned a bit and kept an arm around her. "No details!"

"None needed!" Tacki grinned. "At least you know how sex works unlike Iaian! That guy...he needs a coloring book."

"Tacki!" Kamikaze hissed before coughing out his laughter. Zenchu died laughing and Fumio's jaw dropped at it.

"Maybe the coloring book can have step-by-step instructions," she blinked at the thought. Mitsumi was dying with laughter with the others now. Saitama was just cringing at everything and hiding his face in her neck.

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