Chapter 20

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"Hey," Saitama whispered and pressed a kiss to Mitsumi's forehead.

"Hmm?" she blinked awake and got pulled close to get cradled. "Is it morning already?"

"Yeah. We both slept like logs," he chuckled.

"I'm...sorry with what happened last night," she swallowed.

"Stop that. I said it wasn't your fault," he said and kissed her softly. She kissed him back and got cradled close. He rested his chin against her forehead now and closed his eyes to sigh.

"Did I hear you right...that you want to propose to me?" she murmured.

"You did," he muttered.

"We only just met."

"Not important."

"People will talk."

"I don't care."

"But...why?" she frowned now. He moved to finally gaze into her brown eyes with his own black eyes.

"We love each other. What other reason do we need?" he asked. She started to tear up, but she nodded, too. He pulled her close to cradle again and kiss her forehead. "I don't care about what people think. I don't. It just means they don't know what else to do. If anyone starts to insult me, I don't care. But all deals are off if they talk about me being bald!"

"Really?" she chuckled and snuggled into him. "I honestly like it. It helps you stand out in a crowd. Speaking of crowds...what are the plans today?"

"Let's see," he thought and shifted to be on his back to let her rest on him. He held up his hand to count with his fingers. "Breakfast. Restaurant opening. Hero Association with Inichi, Zenchu and Rendor for my S class recruitment. That's what I know of for sure."

"The first two are easy. The last one, though..." she frowned.

"I'm sure we'll have other heroes around us," Saitama said with a slight eye roll of boredom. He glanced at her when she leaned up a bit to regard him.

"And you...don't mind being in S class ranking?" she asked now.

"Eh. They tend to have some neat gatherings. But, if I can't bring you to any of them, then I don't need to go," he said before yawning and stretching. He felt her lightly tracing down his chest and he glanced at her. "Hmm?"

"You have a very well-formed body," she mused. "Most of the other men I've had to work around were either too muscular, too thin...too fat..."

"Well, I conditioned myself for two years," he shrugged.

"How far did you ever get with a girl?" she asked.

"Ah..." he started before sighing and giving a small laugh. "You're...technically my first one."

"'re pure like me?" she smiled. Now he looked at her and gave a slightly wicked grin.

"Did you...want to fix that?" he asked.

"Maybe on our tenth date," she winked and started to move from the bed. "You still need a bath, anyways."

"Ah...damn it," he grumbled. He watched her form move in the slender blue sleeping gown now. He noticed how her body was much like his in a fit build. Not overly large in the chest, but plenty there. A nice...firm stomach. Her hips seem to move with a soft sway to give shape to her sensuously rounded...

:Mr. Saitama!: Inichi suddenly broke into his thoughts.

"Gah!" he verbally said and sat up. Then he grunted and thought back. :What the hell?!:

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