Chapter 130

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Tacki was the first one to jump off of Wind Crane's back to start looking for her new building. She was thrilled to see a small warehouse cut away to help expel heat from a new forge that was burning with nearly volcanic measures. Kamikaze couldn't stop her from running around to fill the place up with supplies, and he was eventually forced to just sit down and let her do what she needed to do under his watchful eye. Of course, Bang and Bomb joined him to keep him company.

"Let's go take a bath. If it's not time to dance by the time we get out, we'll dress normally," Saitama said and jumped off Bright Bolt's back before pulling Mitsumi into his arms to carry her.

"We have four hours," Blue Ripple judged.

"Fire Flight, how do you normally sleep?" Mitsumi asked the fiery-winged serpent. Fire Flight let those she carried down before tilting her head in thought.

"I rarely slept. I tended to rest while flying. Or I rested at the bottom of my lava lake. Ah. If I shift small and we make a container to hold lava, I can rest there easily," she said.

"Much like my tub of water," Blue Ripple nodded.

"I just rest outside," Bright Bolt snorted and shifted to his smaller size.

"So...we're taking a bath now?" Mitsumi asked as Saitama carried her off. Overgrown Rover huffed and trotted along with them.

"Yes," Saitama nodded.

"But you took a bath in lava," she pointed out.

"Eh...when lava dries, it makes me feel...itchy. All over," he said.

"Need me to help scrub you...everywhere?" she murmured in his ear.

"Yes. Yes, you'll help me with that," he said with a nod and a neutral tone to show he was being serious.

"Should I nibble where I cleaned...?" she giggled and traced a finger over his cheek. Now he looked at her and stopped walking.

"You're in trouble," he said with a small grin.

"Good. Punish me, then," she grinned back to get him growling at her. "I'll make sure to punish right back!"

"Doggy! Keep up!" Saitama said and started to run off with her laughing form. Overgrown Rover huffed and ran after them happily.

"We should go to their balcony," Blue Ripple said.

"Allow me," Inichi chuckled and was quick to move Blue Ripple and Bright Bolt there. He turned to look at Fire Flight and asked, "You will also go there?"

"In time. I am curious of the monster eater," Fire Flight said.

"I can summon him to us," Inichi nodded. "Oh. Ah, Fubuki? I told you a gift was delivered a day or so ago. Please check the small garage north of the apartment. A few others are there, but you'll know which one is yours."

"Ah...oh!" Fubuki blinked and had her jaw drop.

"Garou had secretly requested for Lily to have one, too. Hers is purple in color. Lady Mitsumi has one, too, and hers is the pearl white one in the back," Inichi chuckled. Lily now looked at Garou curiously from where they were standing. Garou nodded and was quick to lead Lily away to inspect her gift.

"You got me a car?!" Lily was heard shrieking with absolute shock.

"Yep! Only the best for you," Garou chuckled and got squeezed by her. He gave her the keys to it right after and kept hugging her.

"I love you, Garou," she whispered.

"You know I love you, too, Lily," he chuckled and kissed her forehead. "Now, know how to drive this, right?"

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