Chapter 108

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It was roughly an hour later when the news came that Neutral Grounds was getting ready to close. Saitama had one of the sheets in the cart covering over him and Mitsumi easily. They had both fallen asleep rather deeply after their intense need for each other was done.

"Hey," he smiled when he opened his eyes to look at her. "Feeling better?"

"I should be asking you that," she chuckled and got pulled close to get kissed and cuddled lovingly. "I love you, Saitama. I can't say it enough."

"And the same goes for me," he smiled and hugged her tight. "I love you, Mitsumi. You're my wife. My amazing, wonderful wife. You've been through so much. Seen so much. You've done so much. It's like I said that first night we started to sleep in the same bed together. Like hell am I letting you go."

"Saitama," she whispered and snuggled into him. "I will admit something."

"What?" he asked.

"I really want a pet," she frowned.

"Eh..." Saitama sighed. Then he blinked. "Wait..."

"What?" she asked.

"I...I think...oh! I forgot! Crap!" he grimaced. "I do have pets! And a plant! I left them in my old apartment!"

"What?! Oh! I hope they're okay!" Mitsumi gasped. "Wasn't it destroyed, though?! I mean...oh, dear..."

"The plant is a cactus. It's fine. And my pets I think. So, they might be okay..." Saitama muttered and quickly dressed with her.

"Pet monsters?! And you never told me?!" she asked.

"I forgot, okay?! We had so much going on...and then I met you..." he said and tossed her shirt at her after she got her bra back on. "Crap! They should be okay. Yeah. They should be. I told them I was gonna look for a new place. To stay put. I never went back for them."

"Where are they? You said your old apartment? But...didn't you say your old place was destroyed?" she asked again. "I really hope they're okay."

"They should be fine," he said and opened up the curtains. "Hey! Zenchu! I need you! It's serious!"

"What?" Zenchu asked and shadow phased over.

"My old apartment. I have...pets there. Monster pets. I forgot about them. With so much going on...ugh. I have a plant, too. Um...find them. Now," Saitama said. "I hope they're not pissed at me..."

"Ah...okay..." Zenchu blinked at this. "Good thing monsters can go without food for a long time..."

"I'll prepare meals now. Do we know what they eat?" Anno asked on hearing of the issue.

"Anything," Saitama called out and was soon helping Mitsumi out of the push cart to get ready to greet them.

"I can help," Rendor said.

"How many did you have?" Mitsumi asked.

"Two of them. I, them after the Monster Association was done. One of them is like a giant puppy dog. The other kinda reminds me of a monkey. Something like that. They just...stayed with me. Genos was fine with them when he saw they just wanted to help me. I told them to stay home when I went out. But...with my apartment getting destroyed...well..." Saitama sighed.

"What's this?" Kamikaze asked. "You got monster pets from that association? Wait. You said one that looks like a giant dog...that one?! The black one with those red eyes?!"

"Yeah," Saitama nodded.

"You did not!" Garou gaped at him.

"Yeah," Saitama nodded again.

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