Chapter 151

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The man woke up with a groan after Saitama freed him from the ice and the elevator doors had closed. On closer inspection, the man was built for agility and wore a black and bright orange track suit with survival gear for extended missions. Tangled Vine had several thorny vines curled completely around the hero's form. Sweet Mask was given some perfume from the white flowers to mist around himself to neutralize any future odors in his area of the elevator. Mitsumi was held close, and her pets and family were settled around her. Wind Crane had actually optioned to join the elevator ride.

"Good. You woke up. Why did you sully a sacred training rite?!" Wind Crane snapped out at the lesser A class hero. The man gaped at her and realized that he was on the ground against a wall. He couldn't roll around from being on his back, and he had no leverage to sit up from how well he was bound.

"Please answer her," Sweet Mask said to make the hero panic even more.

"Doggy. Make him talk," Saitama said and set down Overgrown Rover. It huffed and trotted over to the bound down man. It blinked all six eyes at him and sat down calmly before licking its chops. Then the hero paused and stared at the monster dog with shock. At the small sound heard, the man gaped and struggled to get free of the tight bonds.

"What is your hero name?" Mitsumi asked and let Tangled Vine snuggle her with a happy, deep purr. "I don't need your regular name. Your hero name will do just fine. Answer us, please."

"Ah...Magnitude..." the hero grimaced and started to squirm with intense discomfort. "What...the hell...?!"

"Interesting play on the name. Magnetic and with attitude. Inichi would find it amusing, but disgusting at the same time," Sweet Mask mused.

"What is that stench?! It's won't stop!" the hero panicked.

"My dog farts around people I don't like," Saitama nodded. "And it can use bad guys as chew toys. So, did you know that Mitsumi is my wife? And that she's pregnant with my growing son? If not, well, she is. And now you have to convince me on why I can't kill you for trying to hurt her. Start talking."

"Saitamaaa!" Mitsumi said with a hard pout and rested her head on his shoulder. "I'm getting bored. And tired. Can you just slap him and get it over with? I want to do other things today."

"Wait!" Magnitude grimaced and shrieked when Overgrown Rover moved its rump right under his chin. It eventually climbed up onto him and grew larger to yawn and keep its rump right in front of his face. It even lay down on him to stretch out with its back end right in his face. Now the hero really couldn't move and began to panic. "I'll talk!"

"That is frightening," Sweet Mask admitted at what he was watching.

"Good doggy!" Saitama grinned.

"We are listening," Wind Crane said with a growl of disdain.

"I just wanted to see how dangerous one of those clan girls really was!" Magnitude trembled and kept his face away from the monster dog's rump.

"That's a lie," Wind Crane said on hearing his thoughts. "You are actually jealous of my daughter's rank as a hero. You wanted her to embarrass herself and fail. Even if it injured her."

"What?" Sweet Mask blinked.

"I'm going to punch him," Saitama said blankly. Then Overgrown Rover let out a gas bomb to make the pinned hero scream with outrage.

"It's just not fair!" the man spat out. "I clawed my way up from C class! And this girl gets into S class right off the bat?! What gives?!"

"You're right," Mitsumi said softly. "I shouldn't even be alive right now. Technically. If it wasn't for my ordeal, I'd already be dead. Would you want that? As a hero? To want me to die?"

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