Chapter 19

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When the arguing men got floated in, Mitsumi blinked from where she was resting against Saitama's chest. When she saw Fubuki holding back her laughter, she could only wonder what had actually happened. At the sight of Tanktop Master with five of his army appearing, she frowned. "I don't think there is enough space in my home to accommodate everyone."

"Hmm?" Saitama looked at her and then at the other heroes. "Bang? Old man? What are you yammering about? I'm trying to watch some shows here."

" did I...?" Bang blinked. Then he saw the blue bubble disperse and he turned to glance at Inichi.

"My apologies. The two of you were having such a delightful conversation! I could not bear to intrude upon it," Inichi chuckled. "So I helped you both inside. Please find a place to relax."

"The couch should be large enough for now," Zenchu said and moved to sit normally to make space. "So you all know, I was out there watching everything. None of you saw me. Saitama saw me, though."

"You were out there?!" one of the Tanktop Army gaped.

"Yep. And I'll tell you this. If Sweet Mask tries anything, I may have to kill him," Zenchu said seriously.

"Wouldn't surprise me none," Kamikaze shrugged and sat down. "I don't think I'd even complain if you did. It'd be called self-defense, anyways."

"Hey, Fumio! Um, can I get a sample of your blood for analysis?" Child Emperor asked. Fumio came over to give over the blood sample now. "I want to see how you became a monster. Maybe I can separate out something."

"Yeah. That would help," Fumio nodded.

"If it works, let me know," Rendor nodded from where he was sitting by the door. Kamiko and Tacki looked a bit sad, though, and gave sighs.

"What's wrong? I'll help you both, too," Child Emperor said.

"I was transformed by a curse on an urn," Tacki said.

"And I was changed by a charm after leaving a jungle region. I know I left it behind, but I saw it in my travel bag! Then it disappeared after I found myself like this," Kamiko shrugged. Child Emperor took out two sketch pads with charcoal pencils to give to them.

"Draw out what changed you, please!" he insisted. "And how did you change, Rendor? Do you know?"

"I started to explain that I was an explorer. I liked seeing ruins of both new and old eras. I came across some strange shrine with beasts being depicted on it. As I was studying it, I saw some weird glow. Then I blacked out. When I woke up, have me now. I was the third one that Lady Mitsumi freed. I seem to be an odd mix of things, too. I was like this for a good year before I was found. I was acting like a true feral beast, too.

"I heard Lady Mitsumi talking to Zenchu. When I roared and bore down on her, it was Zenchu that actually smacked me away. Then Tacki kicked dirt in my eyes to buy Lady Mitsumi time to bring out her small flower. When I saw it...I knew what happened. My memories returned...and I wasn't just shedding tears from the dirt in my eyes then. She talked to me. Wept with me. I know that, even if I don't revert back to my old self, I will never want to stray from her side. Like the others, she is my baby sister, too," Rendor sighed sadly and shook his head.

"Can you draw out the shrine you saw?" Child Emperor asked.

"My hands are not good for holding small objects for long lengths of time. But Inichi can draw for me," Rendor nodded. "It will be easy for him to see what changed me."

"This is so weird," Kamikaze admitted. "All the monsters I encountered willingly did it. You all were just...tricked and trapped into it?"

"Not me," Zenchu grinned. "I made some kind of a crappy potion. That was about eighty years ago. So, I don't know if it's possible for me to be cured."

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