Y1 Vol1: Bittersweet Victory

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(Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's POV)

Today is the first day of the second month in this school it is also the day we find out how we did in our midterm exams, everyone was tense as expected including ryuuji and yuuichi, the big topics today were why only 8,700 yen instead of 100,000 were sent to us but that was soon to be answered.

Hiratsuka-sensei opened the door with a paper roll in her hand, this time she had two papers, karuizawa tried to speak up to hiratsuka-sensei about the points but she simply ignored her and walked to the podium, she rolled out the first paper which showed the results.

Our class had above average scores overall except for the 3 geniuses of Kouenji, horikita and yukimura. sudo, ike and yamauchi were celebrating their victory as they had passed their exams, but their celebrating was cut off by Hiratsuka-sensei saying.

"sudo, the hell are you celebrating for, you failed the english exam"

She pulled her iconic red marker and drew a line sperating sudo from the rest of the class.

Sudo got up and shouted "the hell do you mean i failed?!!!"

Hiratsuka sensei then pulled out a cigarette from her pocket and lit it, she inhaled before waiting for 2 seconds and exhaling and said.

"i am not speaking french, sudo. You failed the exam with a score of 39, the passing score is 40 and thats the end of the story, go pack your stuff and meet me at the teacher's office after school"

The class kept shouting at hiratsuka-sensei in disagreement and worry for the red delinquent but she was unwavering.

She then slammed another poster on the board and said "welcome to the advanced nurturing high school, the real competition begins now"

The poster showed something called class points and the results were as such:

CLASS 1-A: 940 C.P

CLASS 1-B 640 C.P

CLASS 1-C 400 C.P

CLASS 1-D 87 C.P

C.P huh...right before i even finished my thinking hiratsuka-sensei spoke up and said.

"nice going guys you really flushed these points down the toilet, the reason why you got 8,700 yen instead of a 100,000 is as follows, 78 cases of absence, 391 cases of phone usage and talking in class, oh and dont get me started on the fighting with your senpais, you guys sure outdid everyone who ever came in class 1-D" she clapped silently at the entire class which was too shocked to speak.

She proceeded to put out her cigarette and said "i have told you all you need to know this month do with it what you want".

The black haired and kind teacher who has been having sudden mood changes of late walked out and the clasd turned to sudo with absolute worry, even my neighbor Horikita seemed very shocked as she kept muttering "how...how..how"

I tapped her shoulder and she snapped back looking at me and said "oh...its you, what do you want"

I responded to her "what are you muttering to yourself"

She simply glared at me when i asked which led to our conversation getting destroyed, i then walked out of the classroom leaving yuuichi and ryuuji behind trying to calm sudo down.

There i stood before the rooftop, i opened it to find two teachers, one was hiratsuka-sensei the other is someone who i assume is class 1-C teacher takayanagi-sensei as he looked fitting of the description lelouch gave us back in our study groups.

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