Y2 Vol2: Armageddon

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(Kutsuki Keshino's POV)

4 years, sadness, i swallow the silence and my condition...stopped my heart.

In my entire life i have always been the one on the losing end of every game, Be it the whiteroom's ranking system or my life afterwards, I always lost, It was as if the world decreed me the worthless one of them all.

The one who throughout heaven and earth shan't be happy

The one who will never amount to anything

The one who will forever live in that boy's shadow

The one who tears his hair out for believing the words of a deluded fool.

What did i do to deserve this?...

I was born to two idiotically married parents, A woman who drowned herself in pleasure and desire for the sake of making up for her failure and a man who fell in love with the bottle more than his own child and wife.

They were so...like me, Failures of life, losers in every manner. People of whom god gifted intellect but they were never given the chance to play a round in the game of life.

I on the other hand was given the chance, Though it was given at the heavy cost of never seeing my foster siblings it is still worth it, I got to exist right beside a man who has every power to end my misery.

He is so different from me, He is so shining and bright, He is so enticing to the weak's hearts, He is far above us all, Even though i have lost a few of my senses; I can still feel that man's light shining upon me.

It's the same kind of feeling i got from that girl...Hina, She is probably the one to blame most for our misery, Her damned idiotic ideology led us all to going through hell then being thrown out because we're all...not Kiyotaka.

Of course we're not for fuck's sake...Who the hell is like him?, He is a monster, He was a genius above all geniuses and we were all just misfortunate children, Some of us were orphans, Some of us were abandoned by our parents for our siblings, Some of us even died.

All so that Kiyotaka can rise to be 'The Masterpiece' then fall into a downward spiral trying to become normal, Falling in love with a girl like Ayano Tateyama, Making friends and enemies, Just living the life!.

While i was half way through the road to death, every month is a sickness of sorts, be it my mind or my body...it all hurt.

But now...I have everything within the palm of my hand.

I don't have to feel the pain in my head ever again, i don't have to keep hearing those demeaning words anymore, it's all just radio silence until what i want comes to my mind, i am finally...in control.

I sighed as i put my leg down to get up from bed, this place is quite bland and disappointing to sir's home, we didn't have much great things from the age of technology so most things were quite classical, the kind of things you'd expect a man from the early 20th century to have.

Books, a phonograph and cards. It was all quite classical and calming to me, it helped me forget alot of the misery i suffered in the whiteroom, though i guess it was all brought back by my visit to Yuki...

I never really cared for anyone but my siblings, we were nine to be exact. Each one of us was brought here through a misfortune of sorts, some of us were left to rot, some were unwanted or came by mistake and so on, we were considered the bottom of the list in the whiteroom, we were all normal kids not possessing of money, family and some of us didn't even have the intellect to differ from right and wrong.

To them i was an oddity and also a beacon, i was the only one who can be considered a good competitor in the whiteroom's ranking, even then i couldn't participate in the physical activities as i was always sickly often so i guess you could say i passed everything that was related to mental tests, social experimentation and academics, i was well enough to be considered second to only Kiyotaka and Hina in such departments since it was only me, Kiyotaka and Yuki left back then.

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