Y1 Vol9: Woe

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(Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's POV)

how does one prove their humanity?

is it through their actions towards others? or is it through their emotions?, i have always pondered through days unending for the answer of such a question.

i have desired to understand if i am truly human or have i been perhaps melted down and molded into a machine that will never understand human emotions.

i always stood in that place with white walls for 8 years that felt like decades, i stood as everyone fell while i worked and worked for the sake of one day reuniting with the one person that came to give me even the smallest spark to igniting my own humanity.

i watched as those i had seen laugh and joke around fall and cry as they begged for fairness to be exacted upon their case.

i gazed as those who were thought to be unmoving towers felt anger and stomped the ground in frustration.

i observed as those who thought they were mightier than all cried wails of pain as i looked down at them.

all these things never made me twitch an eye in surprise nor even feel any physiological reactions in my body, i have observed all of these actions happen time and time again before me that it grew boring as praises and reverence were sent towards me for my achievements.

it never caused me to think or be confused as much as being called a monster for the first time in my life, usually being called such a thing would cause some to be angry or saddened but i...i was simply confused.

how can this person that looks just like me in every way and acts like me call me a monster?...are we not of the same blood which makes us both monsters? or is she different from me and i am different from her?...these were all questions that flowed through my mind at the time, it's answer has yet to be granted to me although i am aware that it's near.

Hina...i have become human like you asked me to.

i made friends who will walk with me through the mud and blood of life.

i fell in love with someone who understands the oddity of my existence.

i even made rivals who battle me in wit and impress me with their thinking and strategies.

i am satisfied with things right now, i have enjoyed what happened so far in my school life, so...if your promise still stands true and we do in fact meet again, i hope you will finally tell me that i am no longer that monster you feared when we first met...

i sighed as i slowly opened my eyes as i was seated on the bench, it's after school and i needed sometime to think to myself i guess you could say but the world has decreed that my good friend ryuuji will be telling me about his newly found joke.

"so after he told the dude he broke up with his ex, my man pulls out a paper and hands it over to him and says 'that's her number!!' then the dude looks at it for a sec before the og guy takes it again from him and says 'sike!! that's the wrong number!' and they all cheer for him...funniest shit i have ever seen in my life not gonna lie to you bro!" ryuuji said as he slapped his knee while wheezing out laughter.

"so it was a prank in the end?" i asked as i looked at him.

ryuuji nodded as his wheezing soon turned into large laughing and he kept grabbing onto my shoulder.

i truly don't get it but i guess he finds it funny so it must be funny...

i glance a look to the far right and spot a familiar blonde haired student walking with his head down and a souless look in his eye.

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