Y1 Vol8: Three Kingdoms Exam 4

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"In the deepest recesses of his heart, man has always longed for the apocalypse"

(Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's POV)

"alright listen up everyone, today we will be doing the most decisive part of the plan, which to attack and strike forth at the heart of our enemies!" nagumo miyabi declared as we were all gathered around.

yesterday an attack party was sent out but they failed completely, they even returned missing a certain person who came back late...that being yuuichi.

in any case, it seems that today nagumo plans to win the exam fully, though i highly doubt it since lelouch has been most likely chosen as the leader, the third years of class A tend to be quite the attack force but they've been seen less and less near us and more close to the base.

"sir what's the strategy for this attack exactly?" hirata unexpectedly asked as he raised his hand.

nagumo smiled at him as he began explaining his strategy.

"the strategy will be as follows!, class 2-A and 2-B will be attacking the wu faction, we will also be taking a few of the girls from the first years to increase our numbers, whilst class 1-C and 1-B will be attack the shu!, whilst doing so we will also leave 3 students in this spot and the two other ones nearby!" he proudly announced to which i sighed as beside me stood ayano and ryuuji and horikita.

"you seem dissatisfied with his strategy ayanokoji,why?" horikita asked as the three of them looked at me.

"horikita is right, wassup bro? something on your mind?" ryuuji added with a smile.

what's on my mind...honestly i just think of how i'll deal with horikita's anger over the loss against class D and our catastrophic fall that is quite inevitable but aside from that...i wonder what ice cream they sell back at the hotel...

"it's nothing, i am just feeling lazy today" i said with a calm face to which ayano giggled lightly while horikita sighed.

"ayanokoji...what a man you are..." ryuuji mumbled as he grabbed me by the shoulder.

"HEY YOU FOUR! STOP TALKING DURING PREZ'S SPEECH!!!" a loud voice yelled out from the front, it's source was a senior with grayish hair and angry eyes.

ayano squeeled a little as she hid behind me while ryuuji covered his laughter.

horikita and i simply stayed silent as nagumo continued.

"we will begin our attack in about an hour, we will be moving in 2 big groups as stated before, i will lead the group attacking the Wu whilst the Shu will be led by...horikita suzune!"

instantly murmers and whispers appeared in the crowd, horikita herself was utterly shocked.

so that's how he wants to play it...what an eccentric person...

"sir are you sure?! she's only a first year!" a student randomly questioned to which nagumo smiled at him.

"hahaha! worry not, i am sure horikita-san is more than capable of leading you all!" he said as he pointed at horikita who was still shocked by his words.

"horikita-san, don't worry, we're with you!" ayano said as she grabbed horikita's arm with a smile on her face.

horikita looked at her in confusion before turning to me, i sighed and nodded at her.

"hell yeah!, don't worry horikita, we're gonna make you lead us all better than horibro could ever lead this school!!" ryuuji commented with an excited smile.

"you guys focus on the main base and i will go to the spot between them and Wu" i said as i put my hand in my pockets while everyone in the crowd starting diverging.

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