Y1 Vol2: Revelation

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(Ayanokoji kiyotaka's POV)

The mood in class was extremely heavy, sudo wasn't attending today, everyone had already guessed our answer but we told hirata and kushida and they informed everyone about the news, most of them celebrated while some like ike and yamauchi got sad.

*clack* the sound of a door opening and with it the arrival of hiratsuka sensei who took a quick look at the class then sighed.

"you guys are seriously happy? You understand what type of bullshit you're in now? "

the class looked at her with eyes of confusion.

"with sudo expelled you're all back to 0 class points, and you've lost a classmate, that would usually be a huge disadvantage if that basta- i mean johan-sensei didn't proposed getting a transfer student so we sent out word to other schools so that they sent us one of their best students, so expect a transfer student by tomorrow time or so, for now focus on the class or i will expel you next"

The class went into whispering and murmuring about what to do as hiratsuka sensei went over her lesson.

The classes went by pretty quickly and me, yuuichi and horikita instantly got up and headed towards the teacher's office to ask about who is sudo's victim and what class is she from.

"you really think sensei will tell us about who sudo's victim was?" horikita asked

"probably, she has nothing to lose" yuuichi responded

"yeah and we only want to ask her about what and how it happened"

"i see..."

Our conversation went silent afterwards as we slowly came close to thw teachers' office

*swish* the sound of horikita forcefully opening the door and saying.

"please excuse us is hiratsuka-sensei here?"

Class A's teacher whom i still can't fully comprehend stood up and said.

"ah are you her students?"

We all nodded, he turned and looked at me and a small smile formed on his face.

"well she isn't here right now, she and takayanagi-sensei went to the rooftop to smoke!" class A's teacher said with his soothing voice, he seems fairly young for a teacher like the rest of the faculty workers here.

"Thank you, sorry for taking your time" horikita said as we all bowed in unison.

We quickly ran for the rooftop, when we got there we saw takayanagi-sensei and hiratsuka-sensei standing by the railings, hiratsuka-sensei just about to pull a cigarette while takayanagi sensei is already smoking his.

"Hiratsuka-sensei!" yuuichi said gaining the attention of them both.

"oh god damn it, what do you guys want again?!" Hiratsuka-sensei said in an irritated voice

"we're here to ask you about sudo's case, the sexual assault one" i responded

"oh that, he tried to do the dirty with a senior who was rejecting his offer, sexual intercourse is forbidden on school grounds and attempted rape is a crime y'know"

"okay but what's the name of the victim what class is she from"

"hiramatsu emiko, class 2-B, she is a pure and kind girl, i pray sudo is happy with what he did, that perverted bastard..."

Takayanagi-sensei mostly stayed silent during the conversation but his eyes narrowed when he heard the victim's name, i think he's up to something but it's of no use to question him about it when sudo is already 'dead'

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