Y2 Vol8: Faction Wars 4

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(Chisato Nishikigi's POV)

Mika-san, Takina-chan...i would like to humbly apologize for ever calling myself the number one lycoris.

Because now....i have been captured and not in a good way.

Now you may be wondering, Chisato...how did someone so adorable, so cute, so amazing!!...like you, come to be captured so easily.

Well my dear listener who i have made up in my mind...the story begins when my perfectly normal school announced the start of a special exam as soon as we arrived...




"The sonic ninja live action movie was actually pretty good, it really gave the same feeling as the manga" Karma oh so humbly said as me, him and Ishigami were standing beside one another.

One usually would expect the other parties to accept such an opinion but...i didn't know what sonic ninja is and Ishigami...was already beyond the breaking point.



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His scream was....murderous, it hurt my ears so bad it rang and it caused our entire class to be immediatly irritated by him.

"What the hell dude?!, you tryna turn me deaf?!!" Karma argued as Ishigami grabbed him by the collar.

"Turn deaf but don't say what you said you dumbass!!, the manga was better by a thousand miles than the live action!!!" he argued as i sighed.

"Can you two nerdy otakus just stop!, i am too sleepy for this kind of thing already" i said while brushing my hair away at them.

"Shut up ChiStupid"

"Yeah shut up ChiStupid!"

"HEY!!!!" i screamed out at the two of them looking down at me.

Chistupid...what the hell kind of dumb nickname is that?!

Karma chuckled slightly while Ishigami smiled at me as i sighed and smiled back at them.

"I wonder when they're gonna let us into the guest house, everyone's already inside so what the heck is up?!, do they not have space for us or something??!"

"Kinda impossible dude, the guest house is the largest in the country and there's like ten hotsprings inside from what i heard" Ishigami replied to which i rubbed my chin.

"Usually one would say let's go ask Sensei but...that's about as good as asking satan how to get to heaven..." i muttered as i looked down on the ground.

The two of them stayed silent before suddenly my phone rang, mine and Karma's to be exact!.

It was a message from the school...

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