The Ruby: Nana Hiiragi SS

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Very often did i find myself in a whirlpool of flames in my life.

It certainly wasn't because i was cursed with bad parents or a bad life, no my life was quite average even if i wasn't myself average.

I was always a bit higher than average in terms of academics and physical abilities but neither were truly my forté in life, my greatest weapon was...deception, i love people, their weirdly boring days, their smiles, their tears and everything else was lovely to me.

But such love also gave birth to hate whenever i looked at my sister, she wasn't as fortunate as me, she was our family's small card into living outside of poverty as normal people and she also stood to me as a figure of admiration.

Oneechan wasn't really...normal, she was blessed. She had beauty, she had intelligence, she had strength and by all accounts she was capable but when put in a jewelry box even a ruby becomes less and less amazing to the eye.

Diamond will outshine the ruby in worth and glimmer.

Diamond will outshine the ruby in worth and glimmer

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Alexanderite will outweigh it's price in stores.

Moissanite will become harder to discard of than the ruby

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Moissanite will become harder to discard of than the ruby.

What can a simple ruby do in a situation like that?, she's lost

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What can a simple ruby do in a situation like that?, she's lost. She only had her hardheaded personality to keep her sane and not cry everyday because of the training and misery she was put through.

When push came to shove and she was sent back home...she was broken, she no longer shined with pinkish red light, her determined eyes were dead and all she could think of was the humiliation of never being able to equal to the other gems.

That ruby was Oneechan...i dug my nails deep into every secret and every person who my family knew, i searched everywhere until i stumbled upon a certain man when i was in my second year of middle school.

We had been living in ikkebukuro for ages now and Oneechan stayed the same, the same hollow eyes and the same frail body that wasn't like her older self, my father and mother forgot everything that happened to her and decided to start living the life normally but...i could never bring myself to brush off something like that so easily.

As such i pursued on until i stumbled upon a certain doctor by the name of...Kishitani Shinra.

He was an idiotic person to get information out of and he understood my motives immediately.

'Ahahaha you're playing a pretty dangerous game Nana-chan!' he said.

I don't care...was my reply, i understand very well what this entire situation is and i found myself irritated by every last aspect of the whiteroom, perfect human?...what absolute rubbish, everything i have observed so far in this school tells me that these lab rats are all nothing but freaks.

From Ippo Tsuko to Kutsuki Keshino, all of them aren't even worth the sympathy nor the love of people like Ayano Tateyama and the other poor folk who were dragged into this spat.

Simple creepy idiots who think the world revolves around them just because they're skilled and strong, never once looking back, never once thinking what happened to this person or that person, just thinking of themselves.

Not a single person even asked about Oneechan, even the supposed selfless leader and hero of the fourth generation Ayanokoji Hina is as selfish as can be, it's as if they all stupidly think they won the game by escaping Atsuomi Ayanokoji, no...all of them are exactly the way the whiteroom wanted, selfish, self serving and uncaring.

It's all so selfish and unpleasant to think about, i've already made a small deal with a certain person within this school and although that deal will cost me alot...i do not care, as long as these high and mighty freaks get a taste of reality...then i am satisfied.

Keeping low is cowardly but...tricks are the poison of the mighty, i will play the good girl for as long as it takes and abuse the time i have without Tsuko in our class and decide to try and execute the sickly king before moving onto the queen bee...

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