Y2 Vol7: Sports Festival 1

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(3rd Person POV)

Inside the walls of a very antique and celestial building in old east berlin was a peculiar room.

It's very similar to the one inside the Pandora facility's, one where researchers conducted experiments though unlike Pandora's...this one was seemingly quite worn down from the constant use.

Standing in the middle of it and watching upwards was a young man of average height and a slim build. His short, olive-green hair is parted down the middle, he wore a simple lab coat and was smiling happily at the sight before him

It was a simple man, he has long light brown-grey hair and red eyes, he wore a simple grey robe as his hands were cuffed to the walls as he was emotionless and indifferent to his surroundings.

"So far your results have been incredible, your heart and lungs are capable of reaching unbelievable limits without failing and your body is incredibly sturdy as well, for a simple prototype of superhumans...you're fascinating Utsuro!" the man called Daniel spoke up first as he smiled brightly at Utsuro.

Utsuro stayed silent as he stared at Daniel apathetically as if he was watching a rat run around before him.

"And your eyes...they're....so...amazing!!, they are so beautiful. They remind of rubys very often with their wonderful color!...ahh...i'd love to have them"

"Is that so?...You look like you need one considering the very clanky handwork put into making that glass eye of yours"

Daniel's eyes widened slightly as he slowly grinned at Utsuro and licked his lips.

"Eheh...so you noticed huh, indeed this eye of mine is made of glass, do you wanna know how i got it?..."

Utsuro stayed silent before chuckling.

"No not really, feel free to leave me to my vertical sleep" he said with a small smile on his face to which Daniel's eyes widened before he giggled..

"The day of wrath, that day will break up the world into ash, how much trembling there will be...When the judge comes and strictly examines all!"

Utsuro's eyes widened slightly as his eyes narrowed slightly.


Daniel raised his hands up with a manical smile on his face.

"So you've heard it before!? that's great so great!!, you're wonderful

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"So you've heard it before!? that's great so great!!, you're wonderful...Utsuro!"

Utsuro stayed silent for a moment before sighing as he looked forward.

"It's the stupid chant that the towns people keep repeating...care to enlighten me what it is exactly?..." he asked as Daniel smiled happily as he jumped up.

"oh yes!, the day of wrath...hmmhmm how can one describe it, oh to be fully honest...to understand that you must first understand who the King of Despair really is"

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