Y2 Vol5: The Comitium

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(Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's POV)

We returned back to the facility building and found a certain man waiting for us...Urahara Kisuke.

"Oh! welcome back dragonborne, it is time for another mission to stop the imperial invasion" he said to which we all collectively tilted our heads in confusion.

"Err...never played skyrim?..."

We all stayed silent before he sighed as he scratched his head.

"Ayanokoji-kun, Yuta-kun and Accelerator all of you are ordered to head to the big man's place as soon as you tend to your wounds, so...about thirty or so minutes from now you should be there"

"Seriously?..." i mumbled to which he nodded before looking at his watch.

"Yep, time to go, get your asses to the medical team and go get these cuts treated" he said as he ran off down stairs to the underground floor of the research division.

I sighed as i looked at them all and stepped forward to go in first, Okkotsu and Yagami probably don't need any treatment since they're not wounded but Accelerator certainly does and i do too after moving a bit too much after fighting against Sogiita.

As soon as i entered the building and passed through a few people i was stopped by a particular woman standing in my way.

She had a black hair tied in a bun and wore a similar outfit to Rin although this woman had a more brooding and calm look to her as i looked into her violet colored eyes.

"Err...can i move through?..." i asked to which she smiled slightly.

"It is my pleasure to finally meet you...Ayanokoji-kun, although i do find you to be an obnoxious character within my master's ploy i was still ordered by him to treat you with respect."

Well isn't she just the best at making first impressions...

"Uh...who are you?..."

She bowed her head down as she formally introduced herself.

"Mokusei Hibiki, i am master Aizen Sosuke's personal assistant and the head secretary within the facility"

"Oh...i see now where you got the ego from..."

"Fufu how amusing, indeed i try to be like him at times but that isn't the reason for my interruption. I am here to inform you that master will be returning soon to the facility and he wishes to speak with you...personally. After the meeting with Yoshida-sama of course"

Personally speak with me huh...what are you planning i wonder...Aizen, if Johan is supposedly mysterious then you're even more mysterious, i doubt even the folk here know who you really are and simply trusted you because of your capabilities...

"I see very well, where exactly?"

Mokusei smiled slightly as she pointed up.

"The top most floor of course, there you will find his office as the one who controls every movement in this place"

"So he's the manager around here huh"

Mokusei's eyes turned bland as she looked at me with a seemingly dissatisfied look.

"Yes...he is, but i prefer the word Administrator rather than calling him a simple manager like we're running a fast food restaurant"

I shrugged at her words to which she sighed.

"In any case, i have told you what will happen, please understand that it is for your benefit to arrive as planned not mine or master's"

My benefit huh, very well...time to have a talk with the man leading everything.

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