Y2 Vol8: Revelation XII 2

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(Okkotsu Yuta's POV)

The concept of a level 5 was previously nonexistant in our facility...

We had only four levels and many were considered low or mid level fours while only a select few were considered high level 4 or in another term...Perfections.

Those were the current level fives.

My generation was quite simplistic in it's ideal unlike the others, we mainly focused on self serving and reliance on others when necessary...basically survival.

Gunha's was focused on pure physical and battle spirit potential with the man himself being the greatest in both thus far.

Mugino's was left up to each student as it was one of the first two generations alongside the perfectionist generation of Proxima.

Misaki's focused on what Misaki enjoyed most...controlling, reading and playing with people like books, that sounds quite evil but Misaki is not a bad person and the way she uses her training under the hands of professionals like Irina-sensei is peaceful for the most part.

Misaka's...ugh...it's kind of complicated but...they had chosen Misaka as their ideal, the character of Misaka was the concept they followed, becoming anything remotely similar in strength and intellect to Misaka was for them a win.

Now we come to the most complicated bunch...

Accelerator when creating his own generation refused entry for anyone except for a select few.

Kakine on the other hand was...forbidden from adding anyone to his generation.

Why you might ask?...

Well simply put, Kakine brutally trained his generation time and time again only for him to kill them to test and increase his own power, he was a cruel and unforgiving bastard but...he was also one of the people that Yoshida-san took kindness upon and made him his student.

Kakine was by all accounts on a similar level to Accelerator and i in terms of closeness to Yoshida-san and the others, he was the anarchist son who made trouble, was in trouble or is the trouble himself.

Many people hated him but me and Yoshida-san always thought of him as good at heart, a troubled guy that's all...

But here i am...proven wrong, as such...i am frustrated.

After everything we were given...a home...a family, Kakine just throws it away like it's nothing and for what?!.

What could be more valuable than our home?!...tsk...

In any case...the final generation, Proxima...they were probably the most similar thing within our facility to the whiteroom and their ideal of victory.

They were perfectionists to a T, they were the early and evil beginnings of Yoshida-san and the others, the time when desperation led so many to where they are.

Be it Accelerator and his hunger for strength.

Yoshida-san's obsession with redemption.

Or even...the human desire to not be weak that drove many of the students there.

It doesn't matter anymore...they're all dead, the desires and the people.

What is left are those who grew up and nothing else, those same people are the ones i will fight for this moment...




"Okkotsu-kun!, one question if you don't mind!"

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