Y2 Vol8: Revelation XII 1

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(3rd Person POV)

The sun has began rising finally marking the beginning of a new day.

As the students of the advanced nurturing highschool prepared themselves for war...a certain man had been observing them all from a far.

Atop the hill a few hundred meters away from the camp of class B sat a single man with fair blonde hair and ocean blue eyes.

His legs were dangling off the cliff as he held in his hand a small children's book titled 'Obluda', he was reading it with a smile on his face.

"I've finally found you...what the hell are you doing so far away...John?"

Johan didn't react much to the voice speaking behind him as he simply continued reading with a smile as he spoke up.

"I believe i told you i'll be sitting around this area didn't i?...Makoto" he said towards the masked man behind him who sighed.

"My name is Sniper Mask, i'd rather not be addressed by any other name but that" he said to which Johan giggled before closing the book in his hand.

"I see, you know Makoto...i find it so odd for people to be afraid of death so much..." he muttered to which Makoto stayed silent before sighing and lighting a cigarette.

"Why sir?" he asked calmly to which Johan smiled.

"I have died twice now and each time...i was revived anew, once physically and the second...mentally, and yet everytime i look at humans...i see them so afraid of death even though it's inevitable, they do not let it pass nor do they celebrate it like they do their births"

"You can't expect someone to celebrate the loss of someone, it's simply not the way things are sir..." Makoto added to which Johan sighed as he shook his head.

"There's nothing special about being born or growing up, it's all just worthless...stars die, blackholes devour, animals die and are born but do we care so much about them?...no not at all, we humans are simply liars but our most terrible lies are told to ourselves, our love for life is the biggest one of them all"

Makoto stayed silent before sitting down beside Johan and looking down.

"Perhaps you're right...or no...you are right but...sometimes we can't let go of life unless we're done with it, regrets can be terrible and that's what makes people hate death, they couldn't do that and this so they feel...sad i guess" he said to which Johan smiled before looking down as well at the camp.

"Regrets huh...such a futile idea, it's just another way for people to give meaning to the meaningless..."

Makoto sighed slightly as he was about to stand up but Johan quickly pushed him down by the shoulder to sit down.

"Don't leave"

"But i have to get ba-"

Johan smiled to him slightly as he patted his back.

"It's fine, i have another job for you" he said to which Makoto's eyes widened inside his mask before he sighed and nodded.

"Alright...what is it?..."

"I need you to capture a wolf for me"

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(Takuya Yagami's POV)

My childhood in the whiteroom was generally filled with nothing but envy.

Being born into the fifth generation, all that we ever heard of was Ayanokoji Kiyotaka.

Everyday, every hour, every minute and every second was just hell, no matter how hard we tried, we were always told we were not enough

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