Y2 Vol6: Unanimous Vote Exam 4

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(Horikita Suzune's POV)

Many people over the years have called me cold and cruel, i do not blame them for thinking as such because i chose that way of life for a long time believing it's the way my brother chose.

I fought against all the odds to achieve even 1% of what he did and i lost more times than i won in the process, though if i guess nowdays i have come to realize that the mindset of a lone wolf wouldn't get me far within this school.

And the person to thank for such a change is...Ayano, at first i didn't really find her to be worth anything to my goal, she was just an average girl who became popular due to the circumstance of her arrival.

I didn't find her worth my time nor effort but she pushed herself through and...became my friend, my very first friend.

I talked with her often and i opened up about myself, it was a refreshing thing to do and i suppose it helped me move on a little.

Hell...it even helped me rely on a certain idiotic man who meddled in my business for far too long than i'd liked him to do.

Nowdays...she's been distant, it is quite rare of me to try and talk to someone for something that doesn't lead to my victory but even my approach to her has seemingly become a sin.

Her eyes and demeanor right before the island exam completely changed, i would've thought this to be the product of some form of ptsd but no...she's just changed.

She acts cold to everyone, even her friends like Sato and Matsushita say so as well, it is most likely the product of Ayanokoji breaking up with her, i didn't hear it from her but it's a floating rumor going around our class.

Even some of the boys celebrated such a rumor thinking it will give them a chance at being the hero who heals her heart like idiots but...i am sure if they went and tried she would completely turn them down.

That's simply who Ayano is...Loyal to a fault...

I sighed slightly as i shook my head...thinking about this all is exhausting, that lazy bastard Ayanokoji was quite reassuring to have around, with him out of the picture lots of things are starting to become irritating to deal with.

"My oh my what's wrong ice princess?, got a cold?"

I looked up and instantly narrowed my eyes in irritation.

"Yuuichi...now's not the time for your sarcasm" i said as Yuuichi scoffed slightly before shrugging.

"Alright then what time is it?" he asked as he stood up and i did so as well.

"Well there's still an hour till class starts so...let's pay Ayano a visit"

Yuuichi's eyes widened before narrowing as he looked away.

"No, go there yourself" he said with a hint of anger in his voice.

Huh?...do these two have something going on?...

"Why exactly?, isn't she your friend just as much as she is mine?" i asked to which he sighed as he scratched his head.

"If that's how you see it...then fine, but if i am given a single reason to leave...i will take it"

Jeez...what sort of drama queen is he?...

First he cuts ties with us all and hangs out with Kushida for some reason then returns and acts like best buddies out of nowhere with Ayanokoji and now...he hates Ayano.

Is it because she's related to Ayanokoji or that she poses some form hindrance to his mischef?...hmm perhaps the latter is correct.

She's indeed influential, without her most of my seemingly overboard orders to the class would never be fufilled, she is very much so beloved by nearly everyone.

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