Y1 Vol4: Kageguchi exam 3

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(Ayanokoji kiyotaka's POV)

our exam so far has been quite simple and smooth, the first secret was 'hirata yosuke enjoys coffee more than iced tea'.

it was very abrupt and shocking due to how johan-sensei presented this exam to us.

the votes went in favor of hirata of course as he was the icon of our class.

after his small secret came one about me 'Ayanokoji kiyotaka has never in his life been in a relationship'

as expected everyone was shocked by that except ayano who knew about my complicated 'love life' with ichinose and karma and cheeto- err...chihiro.

in any case the votes came to my favor once again, i am sure our class will interrogate me about this matter soon after this is over.

the final and latest secret was quite the bomb, it was and i quote 'akito miyake was once a member of the tokyo manji gang'

at first i was quite confused, what is the tokyo manji gang? it's not mafia clearly because miyake is still with us and not behind bars.

hirata who lived in tokyo for his entire life explained to me and the others how the gang was quite the menace in the last few years, although their crazyness was ended after a murder occured and the leader disbanded the gang which led to people like akito thriving for a normal life once again, he also said that we shouldn't despise a person for his past, which i agreed with quite heavily.

akito's reaction to the secret was very much like him, he simply shrugged it off and said what's in the past in the past, 'i no longer plan to be violent towards anyone, you can ask yukimura and hasebe' he said.

the final vote came in favor of akito in the end, hirata's explaination and akito's words led to everyone not giving into the school's games.

the current results are good, me and akito and hirata are equal, we are in need for at least one person to pass and for the secrets to roll in the favor of hirata, hirata winning is the most likely outcome due to how likeable he is.

"your results so far have been extremely impressive class C! shall we continue?" johan-sensei announced breaking me out of my thoughts

"yes sensei! please go ahead" hirata replied to which johan-sensei smiled warmly at him.

johan-sensei elegantly put his hand in the glass box and pulled another paper.

as he read the paper his expression remained unchanged, he simply stared at karuizawa with a smile.

"karuizawa kei showed her underwear to her entire class"

hmm so was yuuichi's comment a bullseye on her being a 'whore' back in the fake betrayal.

i glanced a look at karuizawa and she was sweating bullets, she was extremely nervous and in a near state of panic.

"that's!..i didn't do such a thing! i never sold myself easily to everyone like that!!" she yelled at johan-sensei.

"hmm? what are you yelling at me for karuizawa-san? if you wish to clear your name why don't you give us some context to what happened exactly using points!"

his smile beamed even more as he rested his hands on the table and intertwined them.

"Huh well fine! i'll-"

karuizawa cut herself off as if remembering a forgotten piece of herself and she quickly clenched her fists and sat down while saying.

"no thank you...i'll explain it to my classmates after the exam"

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