Y1 Vol4: Operation wingman

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(Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's POV)

on today's new circus show, me, yuuichi and ryuuji alongside chisato were called over to itadori's dorm for a quote 'important discussion' end quote.

we all entered and sat down in a half a circle shape on the ground as the man himself sat before us hands intertwined as if troubled by a heavy topic...very unusual of the carefree itadori who has fun more than anyone else.

"so itadori, you gonna tell us what's up or are we just gonna sit down like this for another hour?" yuuichi spoke up as he rested his head on his hand.

"yeah yuuji, wassup my man? you got a crush on someone?" ryuuji added as he giggled.

"chisato doubts such a thing would happen with him, he's in love of with sleeping that's for sure" chisato said jokingly as she elbowed me.

"listen guys, there's a big issue i am dealing with..." the man himself finally talked as he gazed upon us with worried eyes.

"ain't no way you for real have a crush on someone?!" ryuuji screamed.

"nah man, it's about lelouch and hiyori..."

"lelouch? is something wrong with him?" i asked this time as i looked at itadori.

"no no no it's just recently hiyori told me something and she needs my help with it, she didn't tell me to help her but i WANT to help her y'know"

"haiya...i have an idea where this is going but go on" chisato added as she looked at itadori with narrowed eyes awaiting his response like everyone else.

"okay here we go, yesterday around 8 pm to be exact, lelouch and hiyori and i were out for some drinks and hanging out like everyone else, lelouch went to buy us drinks leaving me alone with hiyori, we stayed silent for a bit but she slowly started talking to me about lelouch, she spoke up about how helpful he was to her and how he comforted her when her book got destroyed and i agreed absolutely, lelouch is my brother at this point!, anyways slowly but surely she told me something i somewhat expected but also didn't expect hiyori to say...she told me she loves lelouch!"

everyone's eyes widened at the small revelation but yuuichi and chisato had a small grin on their face, amused by this development and finding it interesting most likely, it's not far from unbelievable that hiyori would love lelouch, aside from the good qualities he has, he and itadori are pretty close with her.

"ayaya lelouch-kun is such a ladies man!" chisato said sarcastically

"mhhhm" yuuichi replied.

"oh come on guys this is serious!!" itadori yelled silencing the duo.

"okay listen, she confessed to me about this and she seemed quite lost about how to do it, so i want to get you guys's help to make her confess to lelouch without any issue..."

"damn well i dunno much about love and confessions." ryuuji replied.

"neither do i" yuuichi added to which i nodded with him.

"worry not boys, I, chisato, have the answer to this issue" chisato announced as she stood up.

"seriously?! tell me what is it chisato-chan??" itadori asked with gleaming eyes filled with hope.

"simplest thing is to set them up on a pseudo date, we'll start it off as a simple hangout but then we'll slowly disappear, as for setting the mood we'll have to ask a teacher to help us out with that part, maybe we can get them to make the cafe organize for a romantic mood? eh? EH?" she explained her simple plan quite clearly, it's an easy one but it'll need alot of cooperative working.

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