Y1 Vol3: Deserted Island 5

936 62 17

(Ayanokoji kiyotaka's POV)

*bzzt* *bzzt* *bzzt*

The sound of my phone alarm vibrating wakes me up from my nap, i wake up and observe my surroundings, to my right ike and ryuuji are asleep drooling to their right there's hirata sleeping calmly like a prince.

I get up slowly and somehow ryuuji groans making me stop in my tracks, thankfully he didn't wake up.

I quietly left the tent and looked around to find only 3 students still awake, the trio was hasebe, akito and yukimura.

They were chatting friendly to one another in silence as to not wake up the others.

I check the ground and make a map of my future footing and i follow it swiftly to leave their range, they shouldn't notice my leaving or disappearence...good.

I check my pockets and see that the keycard is still there, i decided to take off my jacket for this little side mission so that i could use it to hide the fact that i ran around the island later on.

I begin my rush towards the nearest camp, that being class B's.

I head north east and find that the spots their have been claimed, can't say this is unexpected, whats unexpected though is the paint markings, someone marked these spots as if making a route.

Guess they're quite the planner huh.

I looked around a bit more for any free spots but there's footsteps, someone was running, they're fresh...

I had a feeling someone like that was gonna pop up, could it be karma? I am close to class B, but these foot prints arr quite small, not a highschool boy's footprints they're a girl's...interesting

I follow the trach quickly and these footsteps got sharper with time, guess she's rushing, i wonder if she claimed everything there's on the island.

Maybe she will pose a challenge to me, someone better than karma perhaps?, i am curious to see who she might be.

I slowly came to a halt, i was near class C's camp, they're still partying to this time, can't say i am not shocked but oh well, leave the sleeping dragon asleep.

I picked up on her trail and this time it led to the supposed middle part of the island, this time the footprints were extremely fresh, like a few seconds away fresh.

I stopped and analyzed everything around me, places a person can hide in, places of advantage for surprise attacks, any openings i am leaving for bait.


I turned to my 6 and my eyes widened as a figure wearing a cloak stood before me, i didn't even get a chance to speak up as they rushed in an unbelievable speed at me.


Their kick was quite sharp and calculated, aiming for my chin.

I quickly dodge and say.

"wait a minu-"

I didn't even finish my words as they this time decided to punch me, their target was my solar plexus.

Damn...they're out for my blood...

I grab their fist, a small gasp can be heard coming from them, it was quite soft and feminine, it's a girl huh.

"you do know that attacking me would lead to your expulsion?" i said calmly.

Silence was her response, guess i will have to lead this conversation.

"show me your face, i know you've been running around getting spots for your class"

I slowly let go of her hand and she clicks her tongue before sighing and saying.

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