Vengeance: Kutsuki Keshino SS

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it's been 3 years since the man who adopted me left, he is a kind person and generally treats me well, he's quite young but he treats me much like a father treats his son.

after being thrown away as a piece of trash at the age of 10 from that place, i was sent to an orphanage owned by that bastard who founded that hellish facility i was in.

i stayed there for all but 2 years, i barely survived in that orphanage, aside from my extremely weak body and utter failure at fufilling the small training regiments they put us through to be perfect children for adoption, i was hurt by the many overseers back in that place and in this orphanage.

i thought i was doomed to die like a speck of dust...but he found me, he took me in, took care of me, taught me everything he knew, taught me about the world, he even knew about that place and everything related to it.

i asked him how she was doing....the girl with violet eyes and brown hair...hina ayanokoji, she had a brother there named kiyotaka and they were both the offspring of that cruel man, they were impressive, their results were mindblowing, the brother excelled at everything while the sister fell behind with the rest of us eventually..hah guess even good genes can't save you from being with absolute failures like me.

i heard from the man that the brother went on to become the masterpiece of the whiteroom, while the sister...was thrown away like me, i asked him to visit the orphanage to see if she was there and he simply shook his head.

i can't pester him any longer about this, my small liking to her shouldn't get in the way of my appreciation and gratitude for him, he is something akin to a father to me...i wonder what he would think if i called him that someday?...

i tried tracking him down and all the links stopped at a famous school named the 'advanced nurturing highschool', what could he want from such a place?

he never told me his name so i can't ask anyone about him, whenever i asked him what his name was he simply responded with.

"I don't exist"

he always said it with a smile, the same beautiful and bright smile he put when he first met me, when he first took me in, when he first taught me how to interact with society, when he helped me improve beyond my weakness, when he taught me how to be

well taught is quite the exaggeration, i merely admired him as he spoke with people and read the books he had left for me, they were amazing, philosophy,ethics,psychology. there's nothing related to the human mind that he didn't have, i read all of them and discussed them daily with him everytime he returned back home.

I felt no hatred for anyone in the world but one person...Atsuomi Ayanokoji, even if the world is erased, if the heavens fold, if the earth breaks down and crumbles...i will find a way to burn down your empire, that is the only price i'll allow as payment for those hellish years and life i have been through, even if it'll mean shortening the already short life i have in this world.

How can it be possible for me to be so miserable and destroyed and humiliated and beaten and still function, still talk and smile and concentrate? when someone like that bastard is out there fufilling his dream while me and every child that stepped foot in that white hell paid the price.

i suppose for now i will search for where that masterpiece of the whiteroom went, maybe i should start with him as the first step...



OC's SS, he will have a small cameo  sometime soon in the story, he is a whiteroom student, how he looks is basically just how reiji from boy's abyss look, i thought it's fitting for the type of story i want him to have.

he is connected to hina and ayanokoji, even though ayanokoji doesn't remember him.

idk when to introduce him, either later on in Y1 or in Y2, maybe when karma is done for i'll introduce him officially?, eh we'll see i guess.

thanks for reading and sorry for the short chapter today, i am a little tired.


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