Y2 Vo4: Dies Irae 1

359 18 6

(3rd Person POV)

The day of wrath, that day
Will break up the world into ash
How much trembling there will be
When the judge comes
And strictly examines all.

The island exam was meant to last two weeks, it was meant to be a challenging exam with no wicked feelings inserted in it's core...alas, the world has decreed it's sixth day be marked the day of absolute change and turmoil.

Beside a wild collection of trees stood three men.

The first was a young man with long magenta colored hair and sharp eyes, he stood with his hands in his pockets leaning beside the tree.

Beside him stood a burly man with dark skin, he was much larger than both of them yet he stood with alot of etiquette and respect.

Before them both stood a man with reddish brown hair wearing a fedora hat, his face covered in bandages and he was smiling calmly to himself as he kept streching his legs.

"Phew! that's all for the warm ups, oi Ryuuen! where the fuck is that lackey of yours at?!" the man with reddish brown hair said towards Ryuuen who sighed.

"He said he knew where Hosen is at exactly, wait a little for once will ya?" Ryuuen said to which the man with reddish brown hair stayed silent.

Ryuuen stayed silent as well before asking a question.

"Say Rokujo...why do you keep on hunting Hosen and his gang down wherever they go?, don't you think you could've spent your time rebuilding Toramaru instead?"

Rokujo's eyes widened before they turned dark.

"I will not stop until i leave a mark so deep on Hosen, he'd cry to his momma about it everyday. Not only for my brothers who are jailed for that bastard's group crimes but also for...Sienna"

Ryuuen's eyes widened before he rubbed his chin.

"Isn't she your first girl?...did something happen to her?"

Rokujo sighed as he put his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah, remember those fuckers who rule Shinjuku...Moebius was there name, they were hired by Hosen's gang of misfits to harrass Sienna's family and Sienna at her school, fuckers were also full grown adults ages 23 to 30. Do you realize how much this motherfucker pisses me off?!"

Ryuuen stayed silent before nodding.

"I guess so, so you want to take him on by yourself?" Ryuuen asked to which Rokujo nodded.

"Seriously this time, i am not really in the mood for jokes like i did back in school"

Ryuuen stayed silent as rushing footsteps sounded catching both of their attention.


Ishizaki came rushing forth through the trees his face showing utter worry and fear.

"Ohh Ishizaki, took you lo-"

Ishizaki cut Ryuuen's words off by pointing behind him.

"That bastard brought people with him!!!" he yelled out as he pointed behind him and a crowd of people slowly approached.

Leading them was a tall man with short spiky silver-blonde hair, blue eyes that pierce through anyone, his physique was far above average.

Surrounding him was a group of people counting to more than fifteen, all of them looked quite mediocre in their physicality, average students at best i guess you could say.

"Brought yourself a meat shield huh Hosen?" Rokujo said as he stepped forward while Ishizaki, Ryuuen and Albert stood behind him.

"Keheheh can't expect me to go off against the glorious casanova of Toramaru alone can ya?!" Hosen said as he cracked his neck with a grin.

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