Y1 Vol3: Deserted Island 3

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(Yuuichi katagiri's POV)

It's been 2 days since we were thrown out in this island for the special exam, our class as expected was acting like a bunch of snobby brats and whining about the toilet and where to shower which led to us spending 100 points to have some installed.

My robotic friend ayanokoji also decided to order ryuuji to convince hirata to make me the leader for this exam, which made karuizawa and the other girls cuss me and keep telling hirata to get back his leader status.

We managed to change leaders because of hiratsuka-sensei's liking to hirata, hirata is apparently 'top 3 husband material students' by her words.

Ayanokoji decided that he is going to be working with us on this exam, he refuses to tell me the full plan and just says that i'll understand soon enough.

"hey yuuichi, you got any plans we could work on? Me and ayano-san have been just sitting around doing nothing and horikita just said she is gonna kill ayanobroji if he doesn't contribute with the class in 10 minutes..." ryuuji said as he tapped my shoulder snapping me out of my thoughts.

"i don't know, aside from helping the class in gathering food and water and cleaning not much can be done" i said as i scratched the back of my neck

"shouldn't we try to figure out the class leaders? We can't do that from here, yuuichi-kun" ayano-san said joining our conversation.

"I suppose we can go do some visiting to the other classes, but we'll split up for that, going in a group will be a bit too much"

"that's true, how should we go about it then?" ryuuji said

"me and horikita will go to class C, you go to class A while ayano-san will go to class B"

"huh? Is there a reason for these picks? And why is kiy-i mean ayanokoji-kun not going?!" ayano-san asked

"me and horikita going to class C is to make ryuuen fully believe that she is the class leader which is going to take us onto the next step of ayanokoji's obsecure plan"

"i see, what about ryuuji-kun then? Why class A? They're extremely cunning from what i heard"

"that's why i am sending to them someone with an absolute heart of gold, ryuuji doesn't know how to act mischevious and manipulative so him being himself will throw them off their game, another thing is that senku is there, he knows ryuuji and that makes it seem all the more innocent of ryuuji to go there"

"ouch dude...but you're right, i am not as smart as you or ayanobroji but i am sure i can give you guys some clues to use!!" ryuuji said enthusiastically to which me and ayano-san replied with a smile.

"as for you ayano tateyama-san...i am sending you there because it's funny" i said as i pointed at her.

"EHHHH?!!" she screamed in confusion.

"bro...that's some weird sense of humor you got..."ryuuji said.

"hey come on, don't tell me you wouldn't pay to see ayanokoji's current girlfriend and future girlfriend fight!"

"EHHHHHHHHH??!!! GIRLFRIEND?! W-we're not like that yuuichi-kun!!" ayano-san said as her face turned bright red while waving her arms around in distraught.

"hmmhmmm the heartless robotic man dating the top 1 kind and cute girl of all the first years...cool idea but it's weird to think about not gonna lie, ayano-san would dump Ayanobroji in two weeks with his personality" ryuuji said as his genius and smart ryuuji persona got activated.

I chuckled at ryuuji's analysis, he should seriously take over instead of sotomura as the professor.

"Quit teasing ayano-san or i will stab you, yuuichi" a stern voice said behind me.

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