Y1 Vol5: sports festival 1

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(Yuuichi Katagiri's POV)

sigh...of all the things i could be forced to participate in it had to be a sports festival, there's not much strategy to be used in these type of games nor is it fair in schools due to the seniors having double our experience and knowledge about these things, from what i am sensing it seems like ayanokoji agrees, he is playing it low this time, even if i did prank him into revealing some of his strength during the grip strength test...heheh now that i think about it, i should pull moves like that more often.

"SPORTS FESTIVAL! SPORTS FESTIVAL! SPORTS FESTIVAL!" hiratsuka-sensei's cheering broke me out of my thoughts, she seems to be more excited about this whole thing more than even the students, she enjoys wearing casual clothes or getting day offs.

the rest of our class was shy at first but then joined her in cheering, this was undoubtedly one of the most embarrassing sequences of my life...

"ALRIGHT!! this 100 meter race gonna be in the bag!" ryuuji announced as he jumped around, he's going in as part of the first group, there are a total of ten groups going this game, ryuuji is first and robot is going seventh.

"be careful, if your leg starts hurting then stop and drop out of the game, it's not worth it" i said to ryuuji as he was getting prepared to stand on the track.

he smiled at me brightly and nodded as he rushed to stand on the track.

"you worry about him too much" a familiar monotone voice said beside me.

"yeah because he isn't an artificially enhanced genius like someone i know" i murmered.

"he is going to win this don't worry"

"jeez your put alot of confidence in his ability"

he shrugged as the race began, ryuuji struggled at the beginning as alot of the students against him were equally as fast as him but he soon picked up the pace and caught up, his expression showed some signs of pain as he neared the end but he continued on and got fourth place.

he returned to us with a slightly depressed look on his face, disappointed with himself i guess.

"you did good" robot said as he stared at ryuuji.

ryuuji on the other hand stayed silent...the mood between our group really is getting quite heavy, first horikita and ayano's awkward moment and now ryuuji is depressed again.

"this is boring..." i whispered to myself.

"it is" ayanokoji said beside me.

this bastard heard that?? oh right...whiteroom genetics...wonderful.

i sighed and continued watching the groups races go on, group 3 is currently running after them is group 4 which ayano should run in.

"you hear anything interesting lately?" i asked ayanokoji as i kept my eye on the race.

"not much, the elections for the new SCP are the only event that might be interesting." he responded as he laid back on the bench

"ahh horikita's niisan is graduating right?"

"yeah, you know him or something?"

"hmm kind of, i watched him and horikita argue with one another this one time, and let me tell you it was he heaaaated over her being in class D at the time∼" i said with a chuckle.

"i see, knowing you, you recorded it didn't you..." he said with a sigh.

i nodded with a grin as i continued.

"do you reckon he got alot of cash on him? something like a 100 million points bank?"

"lower your expectations and you won't be disappointed"

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