Y2 Vol2: Old Habits Die Hard

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(Ayano Tateyama's POV)

I remember when i was young, me and Shintaro used to play in the playground with a certain boy named Haruka.

Haruka was the antithesis to Shintaro, Haruka was kind and thoughtful to everyone else you'd consider him a god sent angel, if i were to describe him i'd say he's like Ichinose, he was aloof and airheaded but loved us all equally and treated us with care.

Haruka was a year older than us but he acted simpler than those younger than us, to also add to that he and my mom were friends and he came over at times to play at my house and i did so to his, that's how close our families were.

Haruka and i weren't in any way on the road to some romantic childhood relationship though!, Haruka was more of a brotherly figure than a love interest, he used to help me out alot when mom and dad got angry at me for trying to sneak into their library, he would tell me words of encouragement and advise me on how to be better friends with Shintaro.

Shintaro used to say me and Haruka were alike but i never really came to understand the comparison since Haruka left the neighborhood soon after.

I was sad about that but i slowly recovered as i was introduced to three people who would later mean the world to me; My little brothers and sister!.

*beep beep beep beep*

I woke up once again in my room, today is a holiday so i am unsure of what to do with my free time...

It's been a while since me and Kiyo have talked, he's been somewhat avoiding everyone, he became quite distant much like Yuuichi, i tried messaging him but...he ignores me.

I sigh as i drink another sip from my coffee cup...i am not mad he's ignoring me but...i am worried about him, is he okay? what's bothering him? has he been eating well? should i knock on his door?!.

"No...i shouldn't..."

Shintaro used to be annoyed by me when i kept checking up on him alot, maybe Kiyo just needs some time....

I guess i should just cool off, maybe talk to Tsubomi and see if she wants to come talk with me by the cafe.

I opened my phone and found Tsubomi's contact, her icon seems to be her with Hina and the boy they call Oreki, she and Hina are hugging one another by the shoulder while Oreki is holding two cups in his hand and one on his head with a look of utter irritation.

"Ehehe...good for you Tsubomi" i muttered as i pressed on the call button.

The phone rang for a few seconds before she picked up.

"Ah! good morning Tsubomi!"

"Ah..uhm...good morning neesan"

"How are you doing?, did you eat well?"

"Eh? neesan i am not a child anymore..."

"Ehehe sorry, i just wanted to talk with you. Are you free today?!"

"I-i...i am not, i am going out with Iroha and Hina today, they want to go shopping...i hate it but i like being with them"

"Oh!!! shopping huh, hehehehe well then Tsubomi let big sis join you!"


"Which shop are you guys going to?, the one by the cafe or the one near the arcade?"

"Ah! uhm...by the cafe"

"When are you guys going?"

"Well...in a few minutes"

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