Consequences: Karma Akabane SS

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'From: Rakuzan Highschool
To: Karma Akabane

Dear Karma
We have received your application for the 1-A Class at our school. Thank you for taking time to apply to this position. We have received an incredible amount of applications, all demonstrating amazing potential to be successful students at our school. Your grades and accomplishments were carefully reviewed and given appropriate consideration for the admission to which you were applying and your background.

Although we were impressed with your high level of accomplishments at The Advanced Nurturing Highschool...we have chosen to reject your application.
We applaud your accomplishments and wish you much success in your future endeavors.
thank you for your interest in Rakuzan Highschool!.'

i closed my phone as i finished reading the message.

"woohoo! they denied my application who would've though am i right?..." i said as i waved my arms up to the ceiling.

this sucks...but i guess that's what i get for fucking up so bad in my life...

i wonder how nagisa's doing, he probably got himself a girlfriend by now and is living the life as a future military assassin!...while i am out here rotting in this amazing house with so many hollow memories.

i got up and went towards the shelf of portraits and shelves.

my first cup won in baseball...rubbish


my medals collection from the marathon and festival...worthless.


oh my!! the very first family trip with my dad and my mom....trash


this doesn't make me feel anything... it feels like washing dirt on my face with won't bring back what i lost.

ayanokoji...that damned fucking monster, i used to kick window frames cemented and nailed to the wall with ease like they were a ball and i considered myself strong but he...he was a different breed, each punch and kick i took felt like a canonball hit me.

but to be honest what terrified me the most was...his face, at first he showed no expression which angered me, why did he feel nothing no matter what i did, fucking with ichinose under that whore of a monster's orders, beating his friends up and even expelling one of them, all didn't phase him but hurting ayano tateyama did!.

sigh...guess even machines can feel love, since the moment i said so he started his finishing barrage with a somewhat angered face...

honestly i am angry i lost, i won't lie, i fucking hated it to the point it brings bitterness to my mouth when i think about but what i want right now more than anything see that bitch down.

magase ai, there's not a single person i hate more on this earth than her right now, i want to see her cry and fail just like she did to me!!.

how the hell would i do that though?...i am expelled now, i am sure the oh so prestigious advanced nurturing highschool doesn't need money so i can't just use some of the money in my family's credit card...

hmmm who the hell would know how i can get back if i can even get back that is...

"heh karasuma would!!" i said as i jumped over the sofa and grabbed my phone.

i get you hate me you snobby middle aged solider but you're just another tool for me...i won't let myself to rot like an idiot here...

i tap my phone through my contacts...nagisa, kaede and....kyoko.

i wonder how she's doing now that she's in her third year, though if she saw me she would spit on my face and wish death upon me...and who can blame here

i click on karasuma's number and press call...please answer karasuma...

the phone rang for 3 minutes answer

"goddamn it karasuma i beg of you!!" i shouted as i pressed call again.

it rang once again but once answer

i let my phone down at the table and put my hands on my face while trying for the final time to call him.

"fuck...please...just another chance i beg of you...just one try and i'll make things better this time, i'll be good!, i'll make friends and i'll help them, hell i will try to love and be loved, just don't let my end be another name scratched on the board..." i mumbled as my eyes grew teary and i clenched my fists.

i fucked up...i am well aware, i lost everything and i keep trying to act so strong but i want to say sorry and get my dignity back, maybe nagisa was right and i should just try to be good?!, maybe having genuine friends instead of servants will be better, maybe if i kissed a girl with my heart wrenching for love i'd be genuinely happy rather than acting happy...

"i am sorry..."

"are you truly sorry karma? or are you trying to mock me again by playing innocent like you did all these years ago?"

my eyes widened as i looked at my phone, karasuma answered!

"err...hello sensei"

"so i am sensei when you need something and karasuma on every occasion, just get to the point karma, i have no time for your childish games"'re so right, they were childish but i should better and fix this idiotic pride of mine, does my fear really control me so much?!

"sensei...i just wanted to say...i-i am sorry okay?!"

"you and sorry doesn't go together, stop lying and get to the point or i will block your number and consider you dead to me"

"i am not lying for fuck sake!! i really want to apologize, i fucked i know, i know damn well i did but i want to make things right so will you please just give me another chance..."

silence came in response from karasuma...did he close the call?...

right before i could even check he spoke up

"very well but you must prove you changed"

"eh?! how would i do that?"

"next week...hitoshi nakamura will be conducting another surgery in the hopes of recovering his shattered leg, i'd like to go there after the surgery is done and apologize to him, apologize to hitoshi and his family" can i forget my most famous incident...but isn't apologising after nearly two years futile.

"they wouldn't accept my apology so why?!"

" it, i'll be expecting a call from you next week afterwards, if you don't call i'll consider you gone from my memory"

"i-i see...i'll try my best then sensei"

an apology huh...i think he deserves it after what i have done, perhaps it has always been my hubris that destroyed what i stood for in my life, maybe ishigami would've never worried for me if i never acted like a prideful tyrant, well perhaps i should try being a goody two shoes for once, maybe it'll be fun...

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