Y2 Vol5: The Pandora Annual Tournament 3

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(Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's POV)

After we returned from our battle with the faculty team, we rested for a small little bit right beside our leader.

"Where's Last Order?" Yagami asked as he looked at Accelerator.

"Went off somewhere, she'll be back" he said as he opened his phone and looked at the time...he's worried, seems she's been out for a while.

"She did?!, What the fuck is she doing without me??!" Misaka said in anger as she crushed a bottle in her hand.

Accelerator stayed silent as we watched Sogiita step forward to the stage signaling the arrival of our match.

I sighed as Yagami and Misaka stood up and went forward instantly with Katsuhira.

I moved closer to Accelerator and spoke up.

"Go look for her...you probably think this is fishy...right?" i said to which he glanced a look at me before clicking his tongue.

"Tsk...fine, take this"

Accelerator put his hand in his pocket and pulled out a pretty old fashioned flip phone and i grabbed it.

"This is...?"

"I'll call you if shit goes south, by south i mean if it's a large piece of shit i can't clean quickly by myself" he said as he glared at me.

I nodded as i put the phone in the bag below our chair.

"Alright, as soon as we're done with this match, i'll call you to check up on what's happening"

Accelerator stayed silent as he pushed himself up using his crutch and stood up.

I stood up as well and we went our seperate ways, i towards the field and Accelerator to the exit.

I entered the ring and stood beside the others as Sogiita smiled at us.

"Huahahahaha!! we finally get to battle Ayanokoji Kiyotaka-kun!" he said to which my eyes widened.

"You actually know my name huh"

Sogiita smiled as he winked at me.

"I am quite excited to see how you all will fair out against me!, i know Misaka and Katsuhira-kun are gutsy but i wonder how you two are like!!" he said with much excitment to which i glanced a look at Yagami who...is quite focused, he improved so quickly it seems...interesting.

"Ayanokoji-kun...i suggest using me as a decoy against him, he's pretty single targeting, i'll be a distraction with Yagami-kun while You hold him down and Misaka knocks him out"

He says he's level 0 but he's actually pretty smart, i guess it's a simple matter of him knowing all of these people very well...i have grown quite curious of what your story is...Katsuhira Agata.

"Very well...let's do this"

Katsuhira nodded as he whispered his plan to Yagami and Misaka who nodded and smiled slightly.

I put one foot to the right and Misaka put one to the left.

Katsuhira rushed forward with his fist clenched and threw a punch at Sogiita.

If one were to describe the punch it would simply be said as strong as...a new born infant, Katsuhira's punch didn't even make Sogiita look in any direction.

"Dude" Sogiita just grabbed Katsuhira by the arm and threw a punch at him.

Katsuhira's body went quite far back but he instantly got up as he barfed a small burp.

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