Y1 Vol 7: Aftermath

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(Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's POV)

yesterday a small fight occured between the students of class C, there were no injuries and all the students say that nothing like a fight has ever occured...or so does the official statement lelouch wrote alongside ryuuen on the matter say.

what happened in fact was something that broke many rules in our school and the laws but as always, nobody reports on it and we deal with it within ourselves just like how the school intended i suppose...

i fought with karma and i realized that some people possess no other side to their true selves, they merely possess one emotion...or perhaps that is what he has shown and not what he truly feels?, in any case i reported the entire thing to hiratsuka-sensei who immediatly decided to call me to the teacher's office during her break.

"ayanokoji...i knew you were going to fight with karma but i never thought it would get so far..." she said as she pulled out a cigarette and lit it.

i did not get much time to check up on the others nor karma yesterday as the nurse and medical staff told us to not come unless your teacher allows it, which is understandable but i would like to know the extent of ayano's injuries.

"neither did i" i replied as i was sitting down on the chair beside her desk...wow...she smokes alot.

hiratsuka-sensei sighed as she turned back to me.

"yuuichi has sustained some minor cuts and bruises on his hands and a few bruises on the face, he is reported to be allowed out soon, sakamoto's leg is hurt badly but there were no broken bones and much like yuuichi he took some punches to the face..." she said as she scratched her head.

"what about ayano? how is she doing?" i asked to which hiratsuka simply sighed and put out here cigarette.

"'three fractured ribs, internal hemorrage and an unstable heartbeat' those were the diagnosed injuries the doctor has reported on after checking on her, the school has decided they will take care of her injuries and bill on chairman sakayanagi's request, she will recieve medical care within the school grounds under the hands of various professional doctors he called in for her case" she said as she placed down a small file infront of me.

so she had more injuries than i predicted, i suppose it's to be expected, karma's strength isn't anything to scoff at but it wasn't much to affect me, though if what he said during our fight is right then ayano was most likely tortured the hardest of the three...

"you should be thankful you brought her in quickly and the nurse gave something that slowed down the bleeding, any longer and she would've been a goner!"

i nodded at her words before asking a question of my own.

"what will happen to karma?"

"expelled, magase reported the case to his current guardian, karasuma-sensei. and he will come pick him up to continue his recovery from the injuries he took somewhere else" she said with an expression of anger.

"i see, what are his injuries?" i asked curious about what sort of damage i may or may not have wrecked.

"dislocated jaw, broken nose, several broken tooth, a small crack in the zygomatic bone and several bruises in the abdomen" she replied as she threw away her cigarette.

sigh...i suppose i went a bit overboard...

hiratsuka-sensei then pulled out her phone and tapped a bit before her face turned into a smirk.

"the chairman has issued your expulsion alongside karma" she said as she showed me the message she recieved...but why is she smirking?.

"i see but why are you amused by this?..." i asked as she kept smirking to herself.

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