Y2 Vol2: A Road Without Light

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(Hina Ayanokoji's POV)

Sensei is an odd man, if i were to credit any person for my pride in myself it would be him.

I first met him during a time when i had somewhat lost hope and began doubting the success of my plans, i was feeling powerless under the eyes of my father, Kishitani-sensei and Tsukishiro.

He entered my room unlike any other instructor of whom i was escorted to, he sat before me as i was contemplating using him as a means of escape but when he spoke up he shocked me...

He somehow figured everything about me when he read my file, my file was in Hoshikawa-san's words very vague in it's sayings. It simply stated that i stopped progressing due to outside interference and that they've terminated my chance at anymore education in the institute, which was truly wrong...

"Hina-kun...what do you think is the worst thing a human being can do to themselves?" he asked as he crossed his legs while leaning forward with a smile.

"Eh?...i don't know, letting people bully or hurt them or something..." i said as i looked away from him.

He sighed as he shook his head.

"Truly false...what is undeniably a terrible thing a man can do to himself is...believe"

I tilted my head at his words in confusion while he adjusted his glasses.

"If the strong chooses to believe in anything outside of his own then he is not strong, merely a weakling thinking he is strong. For example, the fifth generation of students who believe in your brother; These children exist soley to wail cries of glory at him while they hindered their capabilities, their admiration was their downfall"

"But sensei, they're doing that because they know how far above everyone else he is!" i exclaimed to which he raised his finger and waved it left and right telling me of my fault.

"Admiration is a feeling furthest away from understanding, your brother from my point of view is...weak. He had to find something to believe and put faith in to move on, what he possesses is no strength...merely wrongfully placed talent" he said which made me narrow my eyes slightly at him.

"Then...do you mean to tell me that i too am weak?..."

He smiled once again as he nodded.

"You too believe in something other than your own self, the only way i can see you becoming strong and surpassing your brother is if you throw away all hope in anything else, in people, in destiny, in luck and begin to merely think of yourself as someone who reached the top"

"That's a deluded mindset sensei, one that my father believes in and i refuse to be like him" i said to which he leaned closer and put his finger on my forehead.

"Illusion is simply a reality we refused to accept"

Indeed it is...i hate to say it but he is once again correct, everything he says ends up being the truth no matter how much i try to refuse it.

I sighed as i was walking by the alleyway, it took alot of lying to get everyone to shoo away from me yesterday and everyone is currently booming around about the Ayanokoji genius twins blog on the school's forum and of course...the identity of Ippo Tsuko, the person who much like me...scored 100s in every exam and in a rumored time of....10 minutes, that's half as much it took me.

Did Tsukishiro hide the fact they made someone better than me?...no that can't be possible, he'd at least tell Sumeragi of whom i can figure out pretty much everything he told her using a simple chat so...what the hell is this...

I looked up before me and instantly stopped, before me stood two people.

One is a young girl with chestnut colored hair and brownish yellow eyes whose hand was broken, the other is a young man with white hair, red eyes and very pale skin.

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