Y2 Vol8: The God of Death

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(Oreki Houtarou's POV)

Soon after everyone finishing their small reunion and we were told to head inside by Yuuichi, the tower was filled to the brim with people.

"Takuya you idiot!!, how dare you leave as well with that blockhead?!!" Hina screamed out at Yagami who was laughing quite awkwardly while scratching his head.

"Ahaha...i am sorry about that Hina-san" he muttered as i yawned while Hina kept ruffling his hair.

Hina then let go of him and hugged him.

"But i am glad you're well, you look alot more...composed now, it makes me happy to see you like this" she said with a small smile to which his eyes widened.

"Ah...truth be told it's thanks to Ayanokoji-senpai's words that i am like this...he and everyone else back at Pandora helped me see things a bit clearly..." he responded to which Hina smiled even more.

"I noticed you and that scary jerk Accelerator are now friends...but also brought a new guy with you..." she commented as she pointed at probably the most terrifying guy in the room in my opinion.

His hair is black and his eyes are a dark blue and seems quite...creepy, his vibe doesn't scream good guy to me but i suppose i shouldn't assume.

"Why don't you go make him introduce himself, miss reckless?" i asked to which Hina's eyes widened before she nodded.

As soon as she stepped away from us i felt something poke my back.

It was a single finger.

"You're Oreki-san...correct?, i'd like to ask you a question"

The person who was metaphorically holding me at gun point was none other than Yagami.

"Go ahead..." i replied to which he put his hand on my shoulder and gripped it.

"What exactly...is your relationship with Hina-san?"


Goddamn it....

"This led to that and now we're dating, it's...odd i know"

Yagami slowly lowered his hand and chuckled.

"Ahahaha i see..."

He slowly then leaned close towards my ear and whispered something that sent a chill down my spine.

"If you make her sad...i'll kill you"

Dear god....this dating thing is becoming more costly by the day...

Hina...if i die because of you, please take care of my pillow...

"Err...i won't do that..." i mumbled to which he smiled slightly before following after Hina who was chatting with the menacing guy.

The door of the tower opened and from it came Ayano and Ayanokoji...hand in hand.

Ayano looks visibly different, the gloomy dark vibe she carried is nonexistant.

Immediately two familiar people rushed to them and initiated a conversation

Those were Kido and Hina.

"Neesan!, are you...?"

"It's obvious Tsubomi, look at her face hehehe" Hina commented as she giggled mischeviously while Ayanokoji sighed.

"Ehehe...it is huh?..." Ayano muttered shyly while hiding behind her scarf as Ayanokoji turned to Kido.

"Uhm...thank you for being friends with Hina..." he said to which Kido's eyes widened before she smiled and bowed slightly.

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