Y1 Vol11: Class Poll (Class 1-B)

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(Lelouch Lamperouge's POV)

betrayal...i am quite sure that at some point in my school life i will be betrayed, be it by someone close to me like ryuuen or itadori or someone i completely disregard like tokito and ibuki.

in either case...i am aware of each one of their feelings towards me.

ryuuen feels a sense of respect and an instinct to obey the one who stands stronger and smarter than him, which may seem stupid at first but no, he simply understands that by working with me....we will never lose.

itadori feels a sense of friendship and closeness to me due to how long we've known one another.

ibuki is much like ryuuen though she...she is an odd case of defiance to me, she has her own sense of justice unclouded by my orders and words which is quite amusing to me.

as for tokito...frankly he is the saddest case of them all, he is a deluded man who thinks himself a hero of justice by aiding me, he thinks i value him and need him when in fact...he is just as disposable as any other student in my class, just another pawn in the board for me to use....

again i awoke in my room, i haven't really invested much into this place due to how much it doesn't matter to me, though by now i believe i possess enough points to null an expulsion, the small business started by kaneda has boosted us quite heavily and neither the school nor the stores found any complaints.

we simply bought their entire stock then charged ten percent extra for it and boom profit!.

well that doesn't matter at the moment, it's a simple precaution to that pathetic student council president, he seems to have gotten quite the grudge against me as of late due to my humiliating victory against him in okinawa.

i sigh as i stand up from my bed, should just take a shower and get going for another day.

i enter the bathroom after taking off my clothes and open the water and stand there.

such loud sizzling but it's calming...

i finish showering and wear my uniform before fixing my hair and tie.

all is well, now to get going.

i leave my room and step calmly towards the elevator and enter.

looking at my phone for any news from ibuki or nishino....there's none, well aside from the fact that shiho manabe has excellentally fufilled her role...

i step out of the elevator and begin my small walk towards the school, itadori and hiyori wake up earlier than me so it's just me and myself every morning.

i arrive at the school building and enter.

soon after walking to the hallways i stop as before me stood a familiar man with dark brown hair and yellowish brown eyes.

"sensei..." i muttered as he stood before me with calm eyes.

"good morning lelouch-kun" he said as he lightly bowed and i bowed back in respect.

"do you need something from me?"

takayanagi then smiled as sighed.

"simply wanted to greet you, there's still sometime before classes begin so would you care to join me for a drink and a talk?" he said as he offered me his hand to shake.

a talk huh...

i smile at him and take his hand and shake it.

"it would be my pleasure sensei"

i followed him up the stairs and towards the teacher's room which was oddly empty today, he stood by the window whilst i sat down on a chair nearby.

"now then...pray tell what you truly need of me sensei, i am well aware you teachers don't really involve yourselves in student matters unless you're planning something big" i declared with a glare at him.

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