Y1 Vol 7: Days of War

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(Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's POV)

after the quickly ended call with lelouch i bolted straight to the front gate of the school building and found the man himself standing there calmly.

"lelouch" i called out as i got closer to him.

"took you long enough! where were you?!" he questioned with an angered look on his face.

"i had some business to deal with, anyways do you know where they are?"

lelouch's expression calmed down as he sighed, small drops of water began to slowly fall from the sky.

"before we go there, i would like you to agree to one thing"

lelouch stared me in the eye with an utterly serious expression.

"what is it?" i asked as i stared back at him.

lelouch inhaled and exhaled a breath of exhaustion.

"no matter what happens, no matter what anyone does...don't you dare and touch ryuuen unless i tell you so!, i will guarentee the return of your friends if you agree to this, in more simple terms you deal with karma and i will deal with ryuuen" he declared as he glared at me slightly.

it seems he wants to settle things with ryuuen himself, i do not care as long as ayano and the others are safe, especially..her.

"fine, let's go" 

lelouch smirked at me before moving forward in front of me, rain began to fall as we moved away from the school building.

"where are they exactly?" i asked as i watched lelouch's back as we walked on.

"they were taken to an old storage building, a few associates of mine told me as such" he replied as he hastened his steps.

i stayed silent at his response...associates of his...this is clearly a coup de'tat on ryuuen, though when did he get the chance to pull such moves without anyone...me noticing?.

me and lelouch soon began to see the silouette of a small building...a shed if you will, it was quite old and ruined as if abandoned for years, i can see from here a few figures inside the building though i can't tell who's who.

"we're here, listen up, i will enter the building and deal with ryuuen as planned, you and karma settle things out here, understood?"

i nodded in response to lelouch's orders as we were now a few meters away from the building, a red haired figure came from outside of the building with a big grin on his face.

"akabane karma...you bastard!" lelouch said towards karma who approached us slowly.

"oh shut up guevara go finish your business with ryuuen and leave me and 'kiyo' to talk∼" karma replied as he looked at me with a glare.

lelouch looked back at me to which i nodded.

lelouch then exhaled a breath of exhaustion as he walked past karma with a dark expression of anger on his face as he entered the building.

"are you happy now?" i asked karma as we stared down at one another.

"i am i am...now i can be just a bit more honest with you and drop this stupid fucking act" he replied as his smirk faded and he glared at me.

"honest huh...do you even know such a feeling?"

" you don't know anything about me, i am not going to tell you i am misunderstood i will not fucking tell you to forgive me...ayanokoji i am a bastard! and i am happy about that!!" he said as his voice got louder with each word, anger filling his voice

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