Old Friend: Ayanokoji Kiyotaka SS

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i remember when i was quite young and in alot of distress at the loss of my dear sister that i was visited by a young boy, he i believe was 15 or 16 at the time while i was 9, he would come visit me every week in my room and chat with me.

he was such an oddity and a different person from my sister who was quite hard headed and motherly to alot of us as she taught us certain things we lacked knowledge of as children.

he was what some might call...a clown, he enjoyed joking and making fun of me but it wasn't for the sake of being rude, he simply just wanted to make me laugh which as always...failed miserably and was to no avail.

"listen ayanokoji, if you ever leave this place and go around the world, be sure to call me!" he said with a serious expression.

i tilted my head in confusion as i asked.

"why exactly?..."

he suddenly grinned at me and grabbed my shoulder

"so we can go to the arcade and win a free console!!!" he declared proudly and with excitement.

what's a console...?

"i don't think that's possible for me" 

"mehhhh don't worry, everybody escapes their cage, cages are meant to be escaped, cells aren't, this isn't a cell so you're going to be just dandy!"

"how can you be so sure?..."

"oh come one, hear it from your big bro shinra...there's no such thing as involuntary imprisonment, we're the ones who allow ourselves to be imprisoned, if you reallllly want to escape just try for it!"

try to escape?...but how, i know no one who would give me such help...

"that's still impossible" i said as i stared at him lifelessly.

shinra sighed as he scratched his head before pointing at me.

"how about this, in 5 years time, i'll give you a veeeeery small chance to escape, if you catch on it and escape then great!, for pay back i'll meet you after your escape to get it" he said as he looked at me with a serious expression.

"are you messing with me again?"

shinra put his hand on my head and took a deep breath before exhaling.

"no, i am simply just a bored young man, though ayanokoji...if you do escape, join the advanced nurturing highschool, i'll be going there and you might see some of my footprints left through projects there in a few years, when you do...remember our promise m'kay?"

i sighed as i pushed his hand away.

"you're dreaming of things that are quite illogical for me to fufill, escape and search for your trace?...that's idiotic"

shinra smiled happily at me before grabbing my cheek.

"that's my thing idiot!, i'll always break through your expectations, logically or not it'll happen!"

i stay silent before looking him in the eyes.

"how do i figure out this sign easily if i choose to cling onto your idiotic dream."

"wow...harsh but in any case, just keep an eye on two people in your coming years, one is matsuo and the other is...shingen kishitani, my old man, these two will be the key to your safe and eventual escape if you use your superhuman brain well enough"

shingen and matsuo...i'll keep them in mind.

"very well...when i escape, i'll search for your gracious traces in that school"

"hehe alright, you'll like it i am sure, it's a government school which i think will offer you quite the interesting experience for you"

i nodded lightly at him as he glanced at his clock.

"ah..look at the time, seems our time is done for now ayanokoji, probably best i leave because the sleeping pills i used worked for only 2 to 3 hours..."

i stayed silent at his words to which he smiled at me.

"see you some other time, ayanokoji!"

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