Y1 Vol12: Girl's Talk

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(Hiratsuka Shizuka's POV)

"okay so is nobody going to explain why we're standing around like this in front of the chairman's office?"

i was the first to speak up in this small gathering in front of chairman sakayanagi's office, it's still 6 in the morning so i haven't even had my morning coffee or smoke....

magase shrugged her shoulders as she tried peeking a look inside.

"i don't know, it was johan who called us over here in the first place" tacchan said as he had his hands in his pockets.

"my oh my...there's someone new inside!" magase said as she returned to us with a smile on her face.

"a guest perhaps?"

magase shook her head at me before smiling once again as she covered her mouth playfully.

"he is sitting in the chairman's desk!"

tacchan's eyes widened as he stepped towards the door and opened it with anger.

"hoo boy..." i muttered as i followed him and magase inside.

as soon as we entered before us sat a man with grey hair and a calm smile wearing an all black suit as he sat on the chairman's chair, johan was sitting on the sofa beside him drinking his tea.

"ahh finally decided to join us?" the old man said as he stared at me.

"uhmm...who the hell is you?..."

the old man chuckled as he stood up and fixed his tie.

"greetings...my name is tsukishiro, i will be the new chairman of this wonderful school!"

tacchan's eyes widened in surprise as magase smiled.

"what...happened to chairman sakayanagi...johan?" he asked as he turned his eyes to johan who put his cup down.

johan took a small breath before tilting his head to the right indifferently.

"he kicked the bucket"

as soon as johan finished his words tacchan surprised everyone by kicking the small table and breaking it in half using his foot, his face showed a never before seen expression....he's angry.

he soon grabbed johan by his collar and pulled him up as he asked coldly.

"what the hell does that mean?..."

johan put his hand on tacchan's arm as he smiled.

"calm down old friend...you shouldn't show such anger in front of the chairman like that."

tacchan stayed staring him in the eye before letting go of johan.

"i am leaving" he said as he rushed towards the door and slammed it closed.

i sighed as i looked at johan before turning down to the ground.

sakayanagi-sensei...is dead huh...why am i not feeling anything at such news?, have i truly lost all sense of genuine emotions because of that year?...

"you lot are truly as interesting as that man said...in any case let's get straight to the point" the old man said as he sat back down and we all turned our attention to him.

"yes chairman..." i muttered as i put my hand in my pocket.

he smiled at me lightly before speaking up.

"i am sure you're all aware that the upcoming final special exam is in four days and it lasts for a two week period of the school time"

i tilted my head in confusion...what is he getting at?.

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