Y2 Vol5: No.6 Vs No.1

374 23 51

(3rd Person POV)

Atop the roof in a very secluded place in Kyoto stood two men staring down at each other.

The first one was a young man wearing a smiling mask and a black suit, he held in his back a sniper rifle and was smoking his cigarette while his dark blue eyes glared at the man before him.

He was a grizzled man with scraggly facial hair and a stitched scar running across his left cheek from his mouth, his hair was blonde and was buzzed slightly as he stood drinking from his bottle.

"You know...you're one sneaky little rat Sniper Mask-kun" the grizzled man spoke up first as he stared calmly at Mask.

"Is that so...i suppose i truly outdid myself if i am making the infamous Mad Dog Kishibe irritated" Sniper Mask said as he took out his cigarette and stomped it on the ground.

"Where'd you throw the kid?" 

"She's with a few folk i know, Accelerator must've saved her by now and they returned home safely..." 

Kishibe scoffed as he drank from his bottle.

Kishibe scoffed as he drank from his bottle

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"You liar"

Sniper mask flinched slightly at his words as he clicked his tongue.

"Guess i can't fool you"

"Yep you can't, kind of funny that people say smoking is bad yet here you are...caught because i thought it'd be a good time for a smoke and then called Accelerator"

Sniper mask sighed as he looked at the ground before looking up once again.

Sniper mask sighed as he looked at the ground before looking up once again

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"I believe that's enough time wasted..."

Kishibe sighed as he put his bottle back inside his coat before reaching behind his back and pulling out a gun.

Instantly he fired it towards Mask who dodged to the right before rushing forward at him.

Kishibe holstered his gun quickly as he put his fists forward.

Mask attack left and right and Kishibe blocked with extreme speed.

Mask tried to strike him with his knee but Kishibe blocked then leaned forward and headbutted him.

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