Y2 Vol3: Uninhabited Island Exam 5

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"There's a fine line between genius and insanity. erase this line."

(Ayanokoji Kiyotaka's POV)

Everyone is born a genius, but the process of living de-geniuses them, i have grown to observe such a thing within every person i have interacted with in this school.

Atsuomi is a foolish man but i cannot deny the fact he saw beyond what we all percieved, his erasure of the concept of life within us all caused us all to become who we are.

I the masterpiece

Hina the worst

Shiro the second

And Kutsuki...a forgotten piece of that hollow land i left long ago.

Dare i say that i have grown weak within this school?. Yes i have, i believe it is not a lack of whiteroom like activities of challenges or the like; No, all of the things within the whiteroom were quite simple once you've gone through them for a few years, knowledge is always connected and finding that connection is what made me who i am...so when i say that i have grown weak i believe it is because i am now human.

Though unlike Yuuichi or Johan, my genius laid it's roots within the realm of logic and possibilities, a machine that processes info, that is who i am...

"Ayanokoji, you up?"

My eyes slowly opened at a voice calling out, i sat up and opened the tent to find Yuuichi squating before the tent.

"I am...what do you want?" i asked him to which he held his tablet and continued.

"The search feature is open, folk will be gunning for you soon"

Yeah...i guess so, though i am not really worried about any of them aside from that guy called Ippo Tsuko, i have yet to meet him but i am curious if he is as strong as Hina claimed him to be.

I stepped out of the tent and instantly i stopped...someone's coming.

The bushes ruffled a little before a familiar figure jumped out and looked me in the eye.

Her short brown hair and similar expression to mine is unmistakable...it's Hina


I stood up as instantly Hina hugged me and stuffed her face in my chest.

"Errr...good morning Hina" i said to which she let go of me and Yuuichi stared at us calmly.

Hina then turned her head around and glanced a look at him before looking at me.

"You know him?..." she whispered to which i nodded and leaned forward and whispered back.

"He's a weirdo, don't talk with him too much"

Hina giggled at my joke to which Yuuichi sighed.

"Can you two siblings stop the murmuring and get serious" he said to which Hina smiled slightly at him before bowing her head.

"Pleasure to meet you, my name is Ayanokoji Hina, thank you for taking care of my brother"

Yuuichi smiled slightly before nodding.

"Nice to meet you too, Yuuichi Katagiri's my name. I know about your home"

Hina's eyes widened as she glanced a look at me and i simply nodded to which she sighed.

"I see, then you must understand what will most likely going to be happening soon right?"

Yuuichi grinned slightly as he put his hands in his pocket.

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